← Return to Stage 4 Prostate after a year has Metasasized to Lymph Node

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I trust this will help.
My prostate cancer also spread to Stage 4 in the lymph nodes. I will be surprised if your oncologist does not recommend radiation treatments followed by hormone suppressants, such as Lupron Depot shots and Abiraterone.

I am 1.5 years into this protocol and my PSA is non-detectible and technically in remission.
Prayer is also prescribed.

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Replies to "I trust this will help. My prostate cancer also spread to Stage 4 in the lymph..."

Im similar to you in treatment protocol but on my third year. Don't mean to offend anyone, but on average does any have ANY idea or wild guess how long we have to stand on our own two feet, have some custom suits made and do some Northern European travel and drink a couple of beers with Scandinavian friends. I’ve had my share of hospital stays and treatment that I want a little adventure as I continue my love for sunshine and ocean breeze. Any comments or criticisms welcome fellows.