← Return to Sertraline, 25 mg has has terrible side effects going on week 8. why?

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I had terrible time finding an antidepressant. Migraines, severe fatigue, hunger in the extreme.

so SSRIs were out.
Tried a few SNRIs were the ticket. Still had to find the one. Venlafaxene (Effexor) was great for me. On over max dose, but it's been fine for me for 18 years.

I do, take a complement of other meds, but that's just me.

If you really want to know which is "better" for you;you go to GENOMIND and have your DNA, via your mouth. (A cheek swab).

They'll bring the bill down to around ($300)
If your insurance won't pay or whatever. Just tell them you cannot afford it. They will work with you.

God bless

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Replies to "I had terrible time finding an antidepressant. Migraines, severe fatigue, hunger in the extreme. so SSRIs..."

How amazing to find someone like me. The Genomind made complete sense of why certain meds had no effect or side effects it’ll analyse your receptors and show exact matches. If only that had been in existence before so many years of hell.
After initially on above normal dose I’m now daily well on 1/3 of that. NO side-effects, but never try lowering suddenly within 2 days depression hits hard. I’ve heard so many bad things about the inability to come off and sometimes it scares me am I dependent on it. But it’s got me back to normal. At long last Genomind could scientifically show why this works for me. There’s been some Sertraline added to prevent ultra high doses but as soon as any migraines appear signifying excess 5 HT that is lowered. My illness came on 48yrs ago after encephalitis with epilepsy controlled. So I regard them as making up for what my brain can’t produce,