Life after Breast Cancer: What’s next?

Posted by prc73 @prc73, Apr 23, 2024

I would like to know please . Most comments I see seem to be surrounded by struggles making me feel as if people are almost better off without these aggressive treatments and should maybe have tried something else . I have met 3 ladies who almost died just from first round of chemo and had to go without it as their bodies fully rejected . I just want to know . What is life really like after procedures?. Do you get your back to the things you where doing that you loved . It’s so scary for me to think maybe I won’t be able to go for power walks like l used to, to go dancing, to run to travel , wear my high heels and just to feel sensual like a woman .

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If you are comfortable saying--what kind of breast cancer treatments have you had? Or are you currently considering and deciding? Are you concerned about lack of energy or having mobility impaired or other things?
I have had a lumpectomy, 15 radiation treatments, and take an estrogen inhibitor. Ended radiation 11 months ago and I feel fine, normal for me. However I'm aware that the situation isn't static--side effects could kick in, I could get a recurrence, or something unrelated might cause problems. And hey, unexpected good things could happen too--life is full of the unexpected! Of course everyone is different, but if it is any use to you--I'm turning 70 on a fun road trip with my husband (and really appreciating every minute).

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Ill be havinga mastectomy . They are doing another biopsy next week to see if has become invasive. Then ill know on additional treatments. My concern is lack of energy , scared stiff of lymphodema and stuff like that. I am so happy you are doing fun things . Gives me hope.


Ill be havinga mastectomy . They are doing another biopsy next week to see if has become invasive. Then ill know on additional treatments. My concern is lack of energy , scared stiff of lymphodema and stuff like that. I am so happy you are doing fun things . Gives me hope.

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The aftermath of treatment can be scary. I walked every day during and after treatment. Why? Bescause I did that before. Some days I walked less or slower, because I knew my body was involved with my cure. I napped (15 min) many afternoons, not all. I watched my 7 year old grandson after school several days a week and occasionally on Saturdays, too. I'm not a super hero. I know for me, it is often mind over matter. I kept doing as much as fessibally possible.
I was terrified of lymphedema and had follow ups with a PT specialist to give me the tools help lessen occurances.
I wish you well. Your path may be similar but different but you will navigate it.


Ill be havinga mastectomy . They are doing another biopsy next week to see if has become invasive. Then ill know on additional treatments. My concern is lack of energy , scared stiff of lymphodema and stuff like that. I am so happy you are doing fun things . Gives me hope.

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Just to add--I often try to tell myself that I can deal with things...for example, you might not get lymphoma but you are prepared to handle it with good PT, exercises, and more if you have to. Sort of hoping for the best while preparing for trouble. You seem like an active involved person--that is going to help you cope!


Thanks for sharing your never alone. It's like life after death but still living and don't know how. I say I'm going to ride it until the wheels fall off however I can't live comfortably. I feel like I'm just waiting for the shoe to drop
I'm not being negative just sharing sum of my fears... There is hope 🙏🏿 😀 hugs


I’m 61 and active- I had lumpectomy and reconstruction on both( girls look good), second surgery due to margins being too small, 15 days radiation with boost. 3 lymph nodes removed all negative. AI drugs were/are tough for me. I did get a mild case of lymphedema- caught early and receive great treatment.

Keep up with all your stretches and exercises. Some days I couldn’t do as much, others days fine. Took me longer to get back to “new” normal but I’m about there.
You’ll get there too! Love to you


Just to add--I often try to tell myself that I can deal with things...for example, you might not get lymphoma but you are prepared to handle it with good PT, exercises, and more if you have to. Sort of hoping for the best while preparing for trouble. You seem like an active involved person--that is going to help you cope!

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Sorry--lymphodema--too late to edit!


I’m 61 and active- I had lumpectomy and reconstruction on both( girls look good), second surgery due to margins being too small, 15 days radiation with boost. 3 lymph nodes removed all negative. AI drugs were/are tough for me. I did get a mild case of lymphedema- caught early and receive great treatment.

Keep up with all your stretches and exercises. Some days I couldn’t do as much, others days fine. Took me longer to get back to “new” normal but I’m about there.
You’ll get there too! Love to you

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Oh thank you so much . I am getting a more positive feel with all your responses. Love the part about girls looking good . I met with the plastic surgeon today . He is like the 4th I’ve met . The others didn’t seem too sure about working on me since my bmi is rather high. I finally have one who has done thousands of surgeries and he just said to me with the most reassuring voice “you just fight the cancer , don’t worry about how you will look. It’s my job to make sure you love how you look after “ . Suddenly it all seemed so real .


Oh thank you so much . I am getting a more positive feel with all your responses. Love the part about girls looking good . I met with the plastic surgeon today . He is like the 4th I’ve met . The others didn’t seem too sure about working on me since my bmi is rather high. I finally have one who has done thousands of surgeries and he just said to me with the most reassuring voice “you just fight the cancer , don’t worry about how you will look. It’s my job to make sure you love how you look after “ . Suddenly it all seemed so real .

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My treatment was in Houston at MD Anderson. So plastic surgeon was there too. She was excellent.


My treatment was in Houston at MD Anderson. So plastic surgeon was there too. She was excellent.

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Wow that was really nice . What type of reconstruction did you have . Also was it a mastectomy?Was it the main campus you went to?


Wow that was really nice . What type of reconstruction did you have . Also was it a mastectomy?Was it the main campus you went to?

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Sorry didn’t answer part of the question. I believe the type of reconstruction is called anchor.

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