IBS-D how to ease the bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, and fatigue?

Posted by sourpatchkids @sourpatchkids, Apr 21, 2024

Has anyone else been diagnosed with IBS-D and motility that is faster than normal? I’m trying to find ways to ease the bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, and daily fatigue. I’m open to ideas (diet, medication, etc.).

Thank you in advance for any advice!

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I have IBS-D.
About a month ago someone wrote on this blog that her gastroenterologist suggested taking one VSL3 in the evening for her IBS.
I’ve been following that advice for the past month and results are remarkable….I haven’t had any loose stools, though I am still careful with my diet.


I was on Verbazi RX recently and it helped a lot .
75 mg 2 x a day was too much so I did 1 x a day .
Day 3 broke out w/ Huge Rash itchy and big in back and sides , nausea so bad . Had to see Dermo 8 days later , get shot of prednisone and RX cream . Had yo go off med . It was a side effect for me .
Too bad because it really did help the IBS-D .
You can ask Gastro about it .


My GI Dr prescribed Nortryptaline before need to slow down motility. I also read on this blog that someone discovered that a histamine blocker helped with her GI issues. I did some reading and decided to try it. I take one capsule before eating dinner and it has helped with the cramping, bloating, and diarrhea. Between the two and watching what I eat (what I know irritates or triggers my IBS d) I’m doing much better. Most of the doctors I have seen have not helped, except for the Nortryptaline, and I have done much reading to figure things out myself. I hope this helps with some ideas of things to look into!


Hi, I have Crohn’s disease, and the surgery that removed part of my colon along with my ileocecal valve. I have chronic diarrhea which there is not much that drs can do. Thru a chronic Urinary tract infection and irritation of the bladder, I went on a eating plan that eliminated preservatives, additives, acidic foods and low and behold, the belly pain left, it slowed the diarrhea down and I just felt better! I still need to take maybe one Imodium tablet a day. If I’m not going anywhere the next day, I skip the Imodium to see how I do. I’ve also started taking L-Glutamine capsules daily. I take a low dose but it’s shown to help the gut lining. I look on the Mayo Clinic site for info or the NIH.gov to see the studies.
I tried Viberzi and the VSL3 and they both made me sick. With Viberzi, I threw up and with VSL3, I had cramping and diarrhea. I don’t do well on fiber and that because of my surgery and scar tissue.

Everyone is different so I wish you well with what works for you. You just have to be your own advocate because drs are always learning too!

~ blessings


Hi, I have Crohn’s disease, and the surgery that removed part of my colon along with my ileocecal valve. I have chronic diarrhea which there is not much that drs can do. Thru a chronic Urinary tract infection and irritation of the bladder, I went on a eating plan that eliminated preservatives, additives, acidic foods and low and behold, the belly pain left, it slowed the diarrhea down and I just felt better! I still need to take maybe one Imodium tablet a day. If I’m not going anywhere the next day, I skip the Imodium to see how I do. I’ve also started taking L-Glutamine capsules daily. I take a low dose but it’s shown to help the gut lining. I look on the Mayo Clinic site for info or the NIH.gov to see the studies.
I tried Viberzi and the VSL3 and they both made me sick. With Viberzi, I threw up and with VSL3, I had cramping and diarrhea. I don’t do well on fiber and that because of my surgery and scar tissue.

Everyone is different so I wish you well with what works for you. You just have to be your own advocate because drs are always learning too!

~ blessings

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I have suffered with IBS-D for over forty years. When I don't get a flair I'm almost normal. I gave up gluten 14 years ago and it helps somewhat. Lately the symptoms just have felt different. I would go two hours after every meal. Almost like my body is trying to purge. Even after nothing is left to come out I still have the urge. Like having the dry heaves but the other end. My gastro ordered a stool sample and all was normal except it came back with a high value of calprotectin which means an inflammation. I knew it felt different. I guess I see a colonoscopy in my future. At 82 I thought I was finished with those. My grandson has Crohns I am so sorry for what you go through. His is throughout his whole gastro area so they can't just go in and take a part of his intestine.


I have suffered with IBS-D for over forty years. When I don't get a flair I'm almost normal. I gave up gluten 14 years ago and it helps somewhat. Lately the symptoms just have felt different. I would go two hours after every meal. Almost like my body is trying to purge. Even after nothing is left to come out I still have the urge. Like having the dry heaves but the other end. My gastro ordered a stool sample and all was normal except it came back with a high value of calprotectin which means an inflammation. I knew it felt different. I guess I see a colonoscopy in my future. At 82 I thought I was finished with those. My grandson has Crohns I am so sorry for what you go through. His is throughout his whole gastro area so they can't just go in and take a part of his intestine.

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I’m so sorry you are having issues! I’m 63 and have been sick as long as I can remember. Even as a very young child. I wasn’t diagnosed until age 24, after the birth of my daughter. Praise the Lord she is healthy!
I get those calprotectin tests when I have a bout so bad I can’t eat. It always just shows it’s irritated from my IBS, and my Crohn’s is still in remission as far as the bowel goes. My Crohn’s seems to affect my eyes, skin and joints. I have a laundry lists of physical ailments other than Crohn’s but that’s ok. One day at a time.
I hope you are improving and will be rid of the bout of diarrhea sooner than later! Please look into the L- Glutamine. It’s comes as a powder you can add to drinks or as a capsule. I tried the powder but I usually drink water so that was kind of gross! I switched to capsules and take a 1,000 mg capsule between breakfast and lunch then take one between lunch and dinner. It seems to help tremendously. Of course, everyone is different so I wish you the best. I also hope your grandson fairs well with his Crohn’s. I have issues as well through the entire system. When I first was diagnosed with it, the drs ignored my symptoms thinking I was wanting attention. My husband, now deceased, was always sick from type I diabetes and in the drs or hospital all the time. I thought that was wrong of them to think that. I ended up having an emergency surgery due to a blockage and removal of intestine and my ileocecal valve. That’s one reason I’ll always have chronic bowel issues.

Sorry this is so long, if you hung in to the end, you’re strong lol.

Please get well and I wish you and your grandson the best!


I am so sorry. I also have CVID. (Boy in the Bubble Disease). I don't make antibodies against virus and bacteria so I give myself infusions of other peoples antibodies in the form of blood plasma. In some people with this it does affect the GI tract. It affects some people in their sinuses, lungs, tooth decay. Any place there is bacteria. We infuse gammaglobulin because we don't make enough of our own. It's an immunodeficiency. Also a lot of people with this also have autoimmune disease, which of course, Crohns being one of them.


I’m so sorry!! We all seem to suffer from something or something’s. Blessings to you!


I had SBO surgery in October 2022 and was diagnosed with Crohn’s ,recently I had colonoscopy and it says histological findings are not specific and not diagnostic of Crohn’s ,so my GI doctor sent me to specialist and doctor says he thinks I have Crohn’s ,thinking to go to Mayo and get checked there! What would you do? Advice please ,it looks like my case is rare because mild symptoms and hit me with surgery


My GI Dr prescribed Nortryptaline before need to slow down motility. I also read on this blog that someone discovered that a histamine blocker helped with her GI issues. I did some reading and decided to try it. I take one capsule before eating dinner and it has helped with the cramping, bloating, and diarrhea. Between the two and watching what I eat (what I know irritates or triggers my IBS d) I’m doing much better. Most of the doctors I have seen have not helped, except for the Nortryptaline, and I have done much reading to figure things out myself. I hope this helps with some ideas of things to look into!

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My GI doctor prescribed Nortriptyline for me also, made me sooo tired during the day I stopped taking it. I will try the histamine blocker, I've tried so much else. Also going to try glutamine that people on here have used with success.
My diarrhea improved a lot since I started the low inflammation diet Dr Pimentel recommends. Its far less restrictive than LowFodmap but same principal. As with you, I have done a LOT of reading to figure things out myself as my doctors have so far not been much help and it takes forever to try each thing they want to do and I still have all the IBS symptoms, bloating, cramping, takes hours for elimination to happen ( but I had the same with the diarrhea, took a long time for it to come out, so seems the same problem whatever it is whether soft or harder! ) I've done every test with negative results except motility is slow. I just did a round of Rifaximin and it didn't help, I know often it requires more than one round, but its so expensive! I've had this for 2 years with only a couple months of feeling sort of better, I know a lot of people have more serious issues, but I feel so badly from this its totally impacted my live, along with the IBS I have a raging reflux problem. I mostly have to stay home, feel too bad to do anything other than basics. Glad people are posting with things that have helped them.

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