← Return to Evenity and side effects: What helps joint and muscle pain?

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I have been on a multitude of meds. Prolia for several years onto Reclast! I had such a reaction to that I said never again! The pain was beyond mind blowing. Off the charts within days. I was then put on Evenity a year later. I was on that for 8 months. At every injection the swelling at injection sites looked almost like the beginning of cellulitis. I would not pack it for relief…making it to this past January.
I was having body pain, muscle spasms, numbness, and my shoulders were killing me. The did a MRI and it showed a torn rotor cuff. I’ve had no recent injuries of either joint. It came on spontaneously.
I am so DONE with these meds. I feel like being on these meds has poisoned my body. I’m a Guinea pig!
I pray I am making the right decision but I’m done with them all! Ironically… I did get into see a rheumatologist and my ANA is very high but nothing definitive for known autoimmune diagnoses. All I know is I have muscle spasms all the time, worse at night, my shoulders hurt and I’ve been in PT for weeks.
I’m so confused and in pain! Thoughts?

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Replies to "I have been on a multitude of meds. Prolia for several years onto Reclast! I had..."

So sorry to hear this and I can not imagine how upsetting it all is for you. I am worried that I may be starting down this same road in July.