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Tired of the gaslighting

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Apr 30 10:33pm | Replies (189)

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You are telling my story. It is demoralizing to sit with a 30 yr old g.p. who has incorrect notes in my chart. I have asked for a referral to a rheumatologist and she refuses. Blames fibro for my fatigue. I had a rheumatologist who had to close my case after not seeing me for four yrs. He did instruct my gp to give me a short course of steroids. So I don't understand why she says I don't need a referral. I am sick of her stupid games, incorrect info in my chart, and tired of her attitude. Really sick of labs ,dr appts.

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Replies to "You are telling my story. It is demoralizing to sit with a 30 yr old g.p...."

@susiejd I had a similar experience years ago - at least as far as how it made me feel: a 30-something female PCP I had my first visit with I'd asked if she had reviewed my medical history from the papers/files I'd had sent over - assuming this would be a good practice to be with, I did it before meeting her.

She rather "off-puttingly" scoffed that she 'had no time to review [patients'] past history'. To that I would (still) say: then why should I spend my time going over it with you instead of getting further along with actually addressing treatment? And so on...

I never went back. Definitely not the kind of attitude I'd want in a Primary Care Physician, or any doctor for that matter.

Have since found much much better doctor/s - unfortunately, a few years ago now the best one retired (early, I think it was), being burned out by the huge medical conglomerate he was part of - and it has a stellar reputation - but I think he'd had enough. I hope he's doing much better now, but miss the chats and generosity of his time at some of our visits. It's quite an ordeal, and until recently, I've ('knock on wood') been fortunate to not have life-and-death health issues to deal with (yet)...!

Best wishes ... and I hope you find a more empathetic (or at least helpful!)