Uterine biopsy not enough tissue extracted: Now What?

Posted by tclare15 @tclare15, Jan 28, 2024

I am post menopausal (72) and had vaginal discharge and spotty bleeding. Ultrasound early this month showed Endometrial thickness of 15 mm and a small 0.6 cm hyperchoic avascular lesion surrounded by fluid. Though I requested a hysteroscopy so that the lesion could be removed and tested (as was recommended on the ultra sound report), my gynecologist said the first step needed to be in-office ultra sound guided endometrial biopsy.

During the procedure, I asked if the lesion would be removed , she indicated it might or might not be, but she would concentrate in that area for removal of tissue. A week later, she called and said "no cancer is seen", but when I asked her to actually read the report to me, she admitted that no cancer was seen because there was not enough tissue retrieved at the biopsy to actually test ("No definitive endometrial tissue identified"....so the biopsy was "inconclusive" and she did not know if the lesion was still there or not!

So, now I am left with no more information than I had before and the additional worry that the lesion may or may not be available for testing at this point! She suggested waiting to see if spotting re-occurs and said my chances of actually having cancer were tiny, but if I'm one of the 1% who actually have it, that is no satisfactory answer! What should be my next step?

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I hope you have been able to find some answers. My situation was somewhat similar. After heavy, post-menopausal bleeding started, my doctor did an endometrial biopsy. The pathology report came back negative for cancer yet the pathologist also indicated there was very little endometrial tissue in the sample. Fast forward two months to my follow-up appt and a second biopsy was positive for cancer. Would the results have been different had I pushed for a second biopsy right after the first? Maybe, maybe not. I encourage you to ask lots of questions and advocate for yourself! Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.

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