Failed prep for colonoscopy: What can I do?

Posted by robbinr @robbinr, Mar 21, 2016

I recently failed two preps for a colonoscopy, and I can't imagine putting myself through another attempted prep (stuff makes me hurl). Initially, prior to my 2nd failure to prepare, the PA put me on Raniditone - which is apparently just Zanactz - but now my heart burn is out of control!<br /> I wake every morning with a sinus-load of stomach acid. I already was taking emepresole (sp?) in the morning. This double-dose of anti-acids seems to be on its way to doing me in. BUT, if I don't take the Randitone - I get the original issue back, which is a horrible pinching pain in my side and massive diarrhea all day. I am at a loss.

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Was this prep prescribed by a Mayo DR? My husband has a struggle with getting an acceptable prep. What they had him do was tortuous but successful.
1 week of soft diet then
1 gallon of liquid prep
3 days clear liquid
1/2 gallon of prep the eve before
He’s a big guy and was very weak going into the prep.
No alternatives given for him
at Mayo.

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These pills were prescribed by my gastro... I did eat very light the two days before. I weigh 108lbs.. and the day before I did take 2/3 Dulcolax and then you take 12 (very large pills which I cut in half) and by 8:00 pm I was clear. My colonoscopy was scheduled for 3:00 pm the next day and I did not need to take the other 12 pills because my colon was clear. The pills are called Sutab. You can google it ... it's the easiest of all the preps I've had to do and since I'm 77 there will be no more.


These pills were prescribed by my gastro... I did eat very light the two days before. I weigh 108lbs.. and the day before I did take 2/3 Dulcolax and then you take 12 (very large pills which I cut in half) and by 8:00 pm I was clear. My colonoscopy was scheduled for 3:00 pm the next day and I did not need to take the other 12 pills because my colon was clear. The pills are called Sutab. You can google it ... it's the easiest of all the preps I've had to do and since I'm 77 there will be no more.

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bjmullins I hope Sutab is available on the Ontario Health Plan (in Canada)! I will have to check that out. I am waiting for an appointment for a colonoscopy. I had one polyp at my last colonoscopy five years ago. I am 77 too, so hope this will be my last if no more polyps are found.


These pills were prescribed by my gastro... I did eat very light the two days before. I weigh 108lbs.. and the day before I did take 2/3 Dulcolax and then you take 12 (very large pills which I cut in half) and by 8:00 pm I was clear. My colonoscopy was scheduled for 3:00 pm the next day and I did not need to take the other 12 pills because my colon was clear. The pills are called Sutab. You can google it ... it's the easiest of all the preps I've had to do and since I'm 77 there will be no more.

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I have read about same once from another member and made a note of it.
I have great trouble getting good preps.
I’ll ask for these tablets if I have to torture myself again. I’m 79.


This was the easiest I've ever done and I've done at least 5 in my lifetime. Nothing can be simpler than taking pills and drinking water.


@catherine1290 May I ask where you had your fistula? How was your recovery from the surgery? I am to have a rectum resection because of a new polyp and a rectovaginal fistula due to radiotherapy. I have many questions about the postop.

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I did you know you had a rectovaginal fistula, symptoms, tests, etc. and how are you doing?


I did you know you had a rectovaginal fistula, symptoms, tests, etc. and how are you doing?

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Symptoms of a rectovaginal fistula:
* first, recurring vaginal infections, which disappeared so to say;
* vaginal gases clearly not related to sexual activity, noticeable due to their timing and the amount; sometimes I could feel gases forming in my rectum and shortly after coming out of my vagina;
* foul smelling vaginal secretions, more and more smelling of feces and basically the color feces, sometimes just before having to go to the bathroom, but mainly right after.

Right now I'm in the midst of my prep (exactly the same as for a colonoscopy) before my surgery tomorrow mid-morning. Two weeks ago, the surgeon had said the surgery would last 3 hours, but today, he said it would last at least 4 hours. I've had agitated nights, but I can't wait to get rid of the fistula.


Symptoms of a rectovaginal fistula:
* first, recurring vaginal infections, which disappeared so to say;
* vaginal gases clearly not related to sexual activity, noticeable due to their timing and the amount; sometimes I could feel gases forming in my rectum and shortly after coming out of my vagina;
* foul smelling vaginal secretions, more and more smelling of feces and basically the color feces, sometimes just before having to go to the bathroom, but mainly right after.

Right now I'm in the midst of my prep (exactly the same as for a colonoscopy) before my surgery tomorrow mid-morning. Two weeks ago, the surgeon had said the surgery would last 3 hours, but today, he said it would last at least 4 hours. I've had agitated nights, but I can't wait to get rid of the fistula.

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Thanks for letting me know. I’m now thinking that’s not what I have. I guess they’ll sort it out at my upcoming appointment.

I’m sending positive thoughts and well wishes for your surgery tomorrow. I know you’ll be so glad when it’s done and you’re healing. Please post updates, as you can. Take care!🧸🙏💐


Had my first one today. All went well with prep. Had multiple yellow watery stools at end prep. I mean at least 8! It all looked like it worked. Follow everything . Today doctor said “bad prep” could not see transverse nor ascending because of stool?!?! Have pictures. Im frustrated. How is that possible? They want to try again in one month. Im not doing that unless i get a good explanation of how this could happen! Could stool be stuck for some other reason? I had endoscopy GERD knew i had it just confirming and colo was just to get it over with my cologuard was neg and my genetic test negative no family hx. I trust doctors i know them. Had pay cash ins not covering at all! Im a fairly good eater love fruits and vegetables fairly good health pretty active and not overweight no meds .


My colonoscopy failed last October so I got another one this month and I was clean.
I started taking 1 capful of Miralax every morning a week before. I started eating all junk food and cut out the fiber.
2 days before start a clear liquid diet only. At 3 pm put 64 oz of Powerade into a pitcher and add 255 grams of Miralax. At 5 pm start drinking 6-8oz every 20 minutes until gone. Clear liquids only that night. 1 day before procedure mix the 1 gallon of nulytely and refrigerate. At 4pm start drinking it 8-10oz every 10-15 minutes until 1/2 of it is gone. At 7 pm take 2 ducolax tablets. Clear liquids only the rest of the night. 4 hours before your procedure drink the 1/2 gallon until gone. Don’t eat anything and no drinks 2 hours before your appointment. I was clean after doing this 2 day clean out. I was starving for food. Good luck!


good evening, I am a 58 yr old female and I have had colonoscopies every five years since I was 22yrs old, had IBS at that time and Polyps. I have had polyps every time so I repeat my colonoscopy at five year intervals.. I have tried so many preps and they make me so sick to my stomach that I have had to get something for nausea just to do a bowel prep..... Just 3 weeks ago I did HAPPY COLON FOODS prep kit and it had breakfast,lunch,dinner and 3 small snacks so I actually to go eat all day, wasn't a large amount , but more than enough to keep me from getting hungry or nauseated. I took a dose of this tasteless powder in a bottled water and a tablet, Every time I ate and had a snack. ALL of that was included in my kit for 45.00 plus tax and shipping. Very detailed instructions. I had no cramping, no nausea and no bloating. BEST ever, I would recommend this prep to anyone, especially people who have problems going without food, even a diabetic could to this prep. I see the GI doctor that invented this prep, Dr Jeff Scott in Oklahoma City, and I think his prep was a great invention and well past due for the GI community!!! They have a helpful website also. I ordered kit online and got it in 2days.

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I have failed twice on miralax and dulcolax getting very sick and cancelling. This is worth a try but would like more information on it also. Thanks!

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