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There are many cases where cannabis is the best answer (example: chemo).
Initially when my PMR was full blown all-day long pain and depression, the PMR condition told my body and mind, to "curl up in a dark corner, in the fetal position and don't move.
Yet in many instances, the best way to get a PMR flare to release was to get some sun, some fresh air, and a little movement! But for sure there are times when it's best to rest and be still.
So for me maintaining some sort of clarity about my present state, is critical. ..... And cannabis sure as heck cloaked the pain, ache, depression.... But it stopped me from moving my recovery forward, and staying in the present enough to have a better probability for food choices.

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Replies to "Wonderful! There are many cases where cannabis is the best answer (example: chemo). Initially when my..."

Typo: (at end of post) "good choices"
.... although "food choices" is a favorite hobby! Hahaha!