← Return to New cancer 2 months after TORS Surgery chemo+radiation

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I was diagnosed with tonsil cancer back in February. SCC HPV16 pos. Tors was not recommended because of deep tumor behind tonsil and very hard to get to.
I’m on my 27th radiation treatment and third chemo ( cisplatin was not an option as I have severe hearing loss)
So I have 8 more Rad and 1 more Chemo left. I’m a 75 year old healthy male and nevertheless I’m getting the crap kicked out of me. The pain meds do help. Dr is telling me 6 weeks after last treatment I’ll be at 50%
Right now no sense of taste at all and very little smell. Hurts like hell to swallow and am going to speech - swallow therapist that seems to help.
To think 3 months ago I was golfing 3 times a week, riding my motorcycle all over the country and just enjoying retirement!

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Replies to "I was diagnosed with tonsil cancer back in February. SCC HPV16 pos. Tors was not recommended..."

Hello @mjsweeney205 and welcome to the Head and Neck group. I am sorry for not getting a welcome out to you sooner, been under the doctor's knife myself. Anyway you are going through the wonderful one-hundred year old idea of zapping the body with radiation in hopes the cancer dies before you do. It usually does. And because you are not feeling bad enough, lets' give you some Chemo to wipe that smile off your face.
The radiation will continue to bring you down for several days after you are done with the treatments. Taste and smell usually takes from a few days to a few weeks before it begins to return, and it seems to never return exactly like it was before. Who knows? Maybe you will finally like the taste of rutabaga.
Try to eat what you can and drink everything you can. I tell people to eat a whole pie if that what you want. Calories are what you need over anything else.
I went through this in my late forties. I can only imagine what you are going through now as you are just a few years older than I am currently. Not sure I would want to do it a second time. It's a heck of a fight you are in. Know this: a year from now you will be back to the links and driving the scooter everywhere. Two years from now you will feel a whole lot better.
If you have questions, I or someone here has answers. In the meantime, just get through each day as it comes. Don't let the Old Man in! You are not done yet. We got this.