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Meds for bronchi flare

MAC & Bronchiectasis | Last Active: Jun 23 2:46am | Replies (18)

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Are pulmonologists and infectious disease doctors even more concerned about antibiotic resistance for patients and with the long term consequences that can happen? A sputum test might identify a new bacteria that requires a specific antibiotic, but do people start antibiotics and then switch if needed after results?

It seems sinus involved infections might be viral in nature, at least in the early stages of infection, but no one wants the symptoms of a bacterial infection that might lead to other complications.

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Replies to "Are pulmonologists and infectious disease doctors even more concerned about antibiotic resistance for patients and with..."

You asked, "Are pulmonologists and infectious disease doctors even more concerned about antibiotic resistance for patients and with the long term consequences that can happen?"
Yes, that is a huge concern especially because there are so few drugs in the arsenal for treating MAC. Also, not every flare is caused by bacteria - many are viral in nature, will run their course in 5-10 days, and antibiotics do nothing to cure them.

With both bronchiectasis and asthma, my "rescue plan" for flares, developed with my pulmonologist, is 2-3 days of increased nebs and airway clearance plus rest. If not getting better or getting worse, continue airway clearance and rest and start a course of steroids (I keep it on hand). After 3 days, if not improving, call her office and discuss next step. Only once in 2 years have we resorted to a course of antibiotics (I don't currently have "active" MAC, or the plan might be different.)

I highly recommend that everyone develop a "just in case" plan with their pulmonologist or ID doc - we all know how long it takes to gat an appointment these days! And the beauty of having a plan like this in place is that it doesn't matter if I am home or traveling - it can be implemented anywhere.
