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What is Your Experience with Anxiety?

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: May 7 8:09am | Replies (80)

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Looking back I had anxiety/panic attacks since I was in elementary school. I remember my parents would have birthday parties, but I’d get so overwhelmed/agitated by the large crowds. When it came time to open my gifts I’d become very agitated and would need to leave the room bc I’d start sweating, felt dizzy and just weird. Fast forward to high school senior year got to the point I was always is fight/flight mode. I would be in class and I could feel it coming on felt like I was going to vomit and just needed to get out. I couldn’t go to movie theaters, family vacations, out to eat. I seriously felt like a prisoner in my own life. It ruined my relationships with loved ones and I started self medicating with alcohol bc it’s the only thing that would take off that edge. I went to a psychiatrist did lots of therapy. We tried almost every single drug on the market. I just never had good luck with any bc I couldn’t tolerate them. My dr finally tried xanex and over the years it seemed to be like I had a life again. Here I am now 40 still on the xanex and it’s been 10 years and my biggest fear is happening. I am having panic attacks/anxiety all the time and affecting my work that’s a struggle to even do.I have a 18 year old son and 10 year old son and can’t be feeling like this. I went and saw a dr yesterday, but he suggested the medication Desvenlafxine 50 mg. I’m really scared to take it as I’ve been doing research and it’s banned in Europe.I guess I’m on here to see if anyone can relate to me ,what has helped you and any suggestions.

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Replies to "Looking back I had anxiety/panic attacks since I was in elementary school. I remember my parents..."

Sounds to me like you’ve hit tolerance and your Xanax is no longer working. Now your doctor wants to throw another med at you instead of addressing the real problem. Go research benzo tolerance and then discuss this with your doctor ASAP.

My doctor switched me from Effexor to Pristiq. My experience was terrible. Memory issues. Crying. Just a mess We are now almost off Pristiq and on Zoloft. It’s only been two weeks still feeling lousy. Dr. Said I just have to wait. Good luck