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I meet with the Doctor tomorrow.Those results just seemed extremely low to me.I know that they are testing me for Cushing's so it would be high if you have it,but for the results to come back that low is bizarre.You will do fine with the test.I have such a sensitive stomach.My Intestines were destroyed when they were trying to figure out what was wrong with me from rounds of antibiotics.I just had a light dinner and took the pill at 11.I did notice that my heart palpitations and shakiness are definitely worse at night when I am relaxing.As soon as I am ready to go to sleep all hell breaks loose.

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Well, I decided to go ahead and try hormone replacement therapy because I was so desperate for anything to help me. I still felt bad, so only started with a half of a Duavee pill. OMG!!! Game changer!!! I have been on it for three weeks and I feel amazing! Like almost 100% normal. Usually medications make me feel really bad. It's like they build up and become too much for my system to handle. It was the opposite with this. I actually felt better. You are supposed to take a whole pill (one dose, one strength Duavee) but I was scared and cut it in half. I cannot imagine my life without this medication right now. There may be risks with hormone replacement therapy, but I'll take them as the benefits currently outweigh them. I may progress to trying the full pill in a week, but I'm doing really well on a half dose. My anxiety is gone, and so is my sensitivity to noise, light, brain fog much better, my hair is growing back in on the left side of my temple, I sleep through the night, my ocd-ishness is really dialed back, my heart rate and blood pressure normal. I feel like a human being again.