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Hello! Sorry you are suffering. I have come a long way already. I got "sick" last Sept 2022. I got 2 Pfizer Covid shots in April 2021. No reaction. Got a TDap booster July 2022 (5 years after previous one) and within 90 days I was the sickest I've ever been in my life. Tachycardia attacks, swinging blood pressure, petichiae, tremors, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, heat and cold intolerance, felt like my skin was burning when in the sun, eyes burning, ears ringing, feet slightly purple and white, etc. Bedridden for weeks. Saw every doctor in the book. Almost all blood tests came back normal. (Cortisol, norepinephrine and epinephrine slightly above normal). Ended up with a POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), orthostatic hypotension diagnosis. Neurologist said my symptoms are similar to the data he's seeing coming out of Northwestern regarding Long Vaccination syndrome. He thinks the Covid vax teed me up and the Tdap vax knocked it out of the park, but says he really doesn't know. I've done a lot of exercise to help me, drink a lot of water, vitamin C (cofactor in calming sympathetic nervous system) eat a lot of salty foods, etc to help with the POTS. I have probably gained 15 lbs since I got sick. I also went through menopause at the same time I was sick and I wasn't feeling great before I got the Covid vaccine, so there is a lot to sort through there. I'm personally wondering if my loss of estrogen has anything to do with contributing to any of my symptoms as well. My medical history is otherwise unremarkable. I've been a lean runner, weight trainer, paddleboarder, hiker, etc for decades.

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Replies to "Hello! Sorry you are suffering. I have come a long way already. I got "sick" last..."

That is so crazy!Your symptoms are so similar to mine.I was just reading it to my Family.I got so sick I had pretty much all your symptoms.I knew there was something wrong right away when I could not swallow.They were trying rounds of antibiotics,antiparasite and fungal meds.Nothing worked.I lost so much weight because I could not eat.I am 5'11 and was only a little over 100 pounds.I thought I was going to die,but luckily my primary gave me steroids which gave me the ability to eat again.I have trouble walking,swallowing,weird heart palpitations,dry eyes,loss of strength in the trunk of my body,slow talking ,chewing and loss of strength in my face to smile,laugh,cry.I think whatever happened attacked my vagus nerve because I could not cough,yawn or sneeze for months.It came back slowly and is still not normal.I was also in the middle of perimenopause when all of this happened so I was very run down.I also worked in healthcare which was alot during the pandemic.I was having extreme periods and had anemia.That is why I got the Iron Infusion.I was the same as you though.Exercising all the time and in good shape.I just really wonder if is has something to do with the Pfizer vaccine and maybe hormones because we are going through menopause.I have had every test you could possibly imagine and they are not finding much of anything. I tested for several neurological autoimmune diseases like Myasthenia Gravis and all of the bloodwork came back normal. I thought I had ALS,but the neurologists told me no.One neurologist told me I could possibly have a metabolic muscular disease.It is just so crazy with Covid and the vaccines because there is just no certain way of telling what happened.I also think I have autoimmune diseases that are not showing up in the bloodwork.The Rhuematologists are telling me that I don't have any new autoimmune diseases,but I have extremely dry eyes that feel like sandpaper and can't be in the sun.I wonder if Sgrogrens is part of this as well.I am sorry you are going through this nightmare as well.It does not even feel real.I took such good care of myself and I don't know how this could have even Happened.I know you must feel the same way.