← Return to Living with LPSVS (long post-COVID vaccination syndrome)

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I did not get the vaccine. I do not really trust the pharmaceutical industry and it came out so fast. I have never gotten a flu vaccine and I have never had the flu. I know that this virus has caused me to go through a slew of autoimmune disease symptoms: IBS, interstitial cystitis, fatigue, joint pain and so on. When I first saw my doctor in 2022, my ANA titer was postive, Epstein Barr was reactivated and the Rheumatoid arthritis Igg was flagged, so they assumed I had RA. I do not have RA. The RA doctor did further bloodwork. I told her I thought it was Long COVID and she rolled her eyes at me and said I treat RA, not Long COVID. Anyway, to make a long story short, they tested me for Lyme disease, Lupus, Sjogren's, and many others. All negative but my symptoms have been familiar with some of these, fatigue being the common denominator. The symptoms are not as bad as they were 2 years ago, but I still awaken with fatigue, some days are worse than others. I still have brain fog and tinnitus, PEM and other strange things, but I am hoping this is going away. In another thread, I talked about Low Dose Naltrexone. It has helped, along with Vyvanse (taken for ADHD), Gabapentin, Dicoflenac (for that poison feeling from fatigue or pain) a magnesium supplement, Omega 3 fish oil supplement. I also try really hard not to drink anything but water, low salt food and little sugar. I hope we all get through this and they find a way to help. I still have people that do not believe me. That is infuriating, but it seems that it is taken more seriously now.

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Replies to "I did not get the vaccine. I do not really trust the pharmaceutical industry and it..."

I have the same experience as you. At least it has a name now!!! When this "new life", as I call it, began it was just LC. But yes, it's frustrating and depressing at times. You are not alone.