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It took me a while to find a new GI doctor because as of January one of our main health care providers in San Diego, CA, no longer will accept Medicare Advantage Plans. My GI doctor was part of that group so I had to find a new one in another medical system that accepts new patients and my insurance. I finally did and got an appointment but since then the appointment has been cancelled by them 3 times. Now I find they lost my medical records that the former GI doctor faxed them. I'm again contacting them to see what is going on there. Medicine is no longer what it was before Covid. Seems so much has changed and not for the better. As far as the bladder cancer, yes, it's been confirmed by three doctors that the cause is from the massive amount of radiation due to the metastasis. My radiation oncologist at the time told me he had to do it to such a degree it would cure me or kill me. If I didn't have it, I wouldn't be here today writing to you. So I did get over 20 years. I also did get lymphedema in my leg due to the treatment and the removal of many lymph nodes about 5 years ago. Yes, I often think I've been through the wars but then I see so many others who have so many worse cancers and didn't live so I feel fortunate in that respect. Two of my friends in the last 20 years that were my In Case of Emergency and Executrix of my estate both passed away before me! Life is strange and so unpredictable. Count each day as a blessing.

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Replies to "It took me a while to find a new GI doctor because as of January one..."

@chrissiebee The process you describe with Medicare Advantage and which doctor you can see is so frustrating. And then to lose (misplace?) your records only to have your appointment cancelled and rescheduled 3 times! And I thought that happened only in the little town that I live in where the hospital is now owned by a private equity firm and the hospital has done so much outsourcing that it’s become a disorganized mess. That’s very much unlike the excellent hospital it was more than 10 years ago when I had surgery there. I suppose some of this was going on before the pandemic began in 2020 but now it seems to me it’s become an excuse in so many instances.

It’s very sad you two friends you were close enough with to ask to execute your estate are no longer alive.

I’ve had endometrial cancer and then a recurrence. Thank you for the reminder to count each day as another day in my life and as a blessing. Will you please let me know when you do see the new GI doctor and if that person is helpful to you?