MRI results = Probably benign

Posted by traci999 @traci999, Apr 12, 2024

I had a partial mastectomy for invasive ductal carcinoma in September 2023. I recently had an MRI, and the results came back probably benign. I even called the breast center to have another tech look at my results and they said the same thing. Has anyone ever had a probable on an MRI before?

I am going to the oncologist today for bloodwork, so I am going to ask him.

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I had a probably benign, Birads 3, for a lesion in my contralateral breast at my one year MRI follow up. They believe it is scar tissue from the breast reduction when lumpectomy was done on my right breast. I have an MRI and mammogram next week to see if there has been a change in the lesion.


I had a probably benign, Birads 3, for a lesion in my contralateral breast at my one year MRI follow up. They believe it is scar tissue from the breast reduction when lumpectomy was done on my right breast. I have an MRI and mammogram next week to see if there has been a change in the lesion.

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I was not aware you could have probable diagnosis on an MRI so thank you for letting me know I'm not the only one. I pray you get a good report.


Hello, I hope you are doing well..
I recently had an mammo and ultrasound for the first time due to a lump I found . I was told it’s birads 3 (prob benign). I don’t like that. I have family history of breast cancer . I wish we can get direct answers. 6 months is a long time to be on pins and needles .


Hello, I hope you are doing well..
I recently had an mammo and ultrasound for the first time due to a lump I found . I was told it’s birads 3 (prob benign). I don’t like that. I have family history of breast cancer . I wish we can get direct answers. 6 months is a long time to be on pins and needles .

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I agree a lot can happen in 6 months. I had my regular mammogram and ultrasound in July of 22 and everything was fine. I found a place on my nipple in June of 23. I had a mammogram, ultrasound and a fine needle biopsy which all came back negative. The dr knew something was wrong so she did a core biopsy which showed malignant. One thing I have learned thru all this is be your own advocate. Ask questions, get a second opinion. Alot in the medical world is not like it used to be. I wish you the best and pray for good results.


Hello, I hope you are doing well..
I recently had an mammo and ultrasound for the first time due to a lump I found . I was told it’s birads 3 (prob benign). I don’t like that. I have family history of breast cancer . I wish we can get direct answers. 6 months is a long time to be on pins and needles .

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Based on the stories I have heard, not only in my mammogram waiting room, but, stories from people who found small lumps on other parts of their bodies, I would suggest getting a CORE BIOPSY, not ever a fine needle biopsy, ASAP, if insurance will pay for it.


Based on the stories I have heard, not only in my mammogram waiting room, but, stories from people who found small lumps on other parts of their bodies, I would suggest getting a CORE BIOPSY, not ever a fine needle biopsy, ASAP, if insurance will pay for it.

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The thing is I have a lump under my rib which I’m told is just fat but feels hard and swollen around the area, the breast lump that’s birads 3 along with a thyroid nodule that is categorized tirad 4 .. it’s just so much on top of this all I’m losing so much hair daily. I hope I get answers.


The thing is I have a lump under my rib which I’m told is just fat but feels hard and swollen around the area, the breast lump that’s birads 3 along with a thyroid nodule that is categorized tirad 4 .. it’s just so much on top of this all I’m losing so much hair daily. I hope I get answers.

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I hope you get answers for all of it very soon! Please keep us posted.


Hi Traci999--what did the oncologist have to say? Was the MRI routine? Is there further testing now or can you feel ok with the "probable?" Hope the appointment went smoothly.


My surgeon whom I trust totally and respect said he would order a breast mri if I wanted, but he advised against it because they tend towards all kinds of false positives. My oncologist ordered a petscan.


Based on the stories I have heard, not only in my mammogram waiting room, but, stories from people who found small lumps on other parts of their bodies, I would suggest getting a CORE BIOPSY, not ever a fine needle biopsy, ASAP, if insurance will pay for it.

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My cancer was not found with a mamogram, ultrasound or fine need biopsy. You need the core biopsy....

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