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I now wish I had opted for a preventative mastectomy after my first brush with breast cancer. Then I wouldn't be having to cope with peripheral neuropathy and the effects of anastrozole. Plus the impact on my family.
When I was 60 I had DCIS on one side. Mastectomy but no other treatment necessary.
Annual mammograms and ultrasound on the other side. Technicans used to say I had a "dense" breast - wish I had taken more notice!

I found a female surgeon willing to rid me of the remaining breast but I didn't go through with it. Seriously bad move.

It came back with a vengeance when I was 74. Out of the ducts this time. Hiding behind the nipple so I couldn't feel it. Only a small tumour but diagnosed as aggressive grade 3 estrogen -fed - although PET scan showed it hadn't spread.

So chemo, radio, now anastrozole for another 3 years.

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Replies to "I now wish I had opted for a preventative mastectomy after my first brush with breast..."

Was your dcis invasive or not? And do you remember what stage it was?