Helping husband understand there is no natural cure

Posted by sradeb @sradeb, Apr 9, 2024

My husband, 65, has been diagnosed with Stage 3c prostate cancer. He has informed me he doesn't want radiation or surgery due to the side effects (he currently has none of the normal effects of prostate issues). He is convinced that there is a natural remedy out there that will CURE the cancer and I'm supposed to find it. How do I explain to him that all of my research shows there isn't a natural CURE? Or is there a natural cure that I can't find? Can anyone recommend a treatment, even experimental, that doesn't have the traditional side effects?

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Not giving any false hopes. There seems to be a natural cure, but not in the way he thinks.
Apparently, about 10% of the patients develop immunity. When the cancer cells die from treatment, the good cells clean them out. In the process they learn DNA etc whatever about these bad cells. They then teach other good cells to find other cancer cells and eliminate them.
This is proven science. In fact, they have developed treatment based on that.
Dont mind me. I am just another layman trying to make some sense of the whole thing.


I have 3+3 cancer and have been on surveillance since 22 I follow a Mediterranean diet I figure it can’t hurt however that will not stop me from getting appropriate treatment when the time comes


I ditto suggesting Dr Walshs book. He very knowledgeable outlines all the paths with offending g those searching for a natural cure.

I tracked elevated PSA, 4-6, low but persistent. Some minor symptoms but very low. I made herbal tinctures, herbal teas and all of the Shazam-this-cures-Prostate cancer remedies. Sorry to say marketing does not have a natural cure for us.

Dr Walshs book was an eye opening education. But it was the Mayos transperoneal Mri fusion biopsy that sold me. Ten years of natural remedies and my cancer was confirmed.
Good luck with husband. I KNOW he is stressed. Just lovingly support him and lean him towards knowledge to help him to choose a path.


I think the biggest part of the problem is he has no symptoms currently. We found the cancer totally by accident. If his body was telling him it was in there then it might feel real and he might get treated. But when that happens it might be to late.

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Neither did I and 99% of the men on this board! SCREENINGS SAVE LIVES….but you already know that.
Not one person here wanted PCa nor did they want the treatment; but that treatment - whatever the type- is what has allowed us to share our experiences with you…otherwise not many of us would be here.
None of us are sheep, none of use are “yes men”. You see how many really smart people have done their homework, picked brains and consulted with different doctors.
Perhaps you should show this thread to your husband and let him see for himself what other men have done. Unfortunately we don’t listen to our wives enough. If I had, I would have been richer, happier and probably better looking🥴


My body didn't tell me I had prostate cancer until it was already at stage 4 — I was symptom-free until then.

Knowing about PC before stage 4 is a massive gift, and one that no one should waste. I know it isn't easy, and in the end you can't control what he thinks, but if it helps, tell him he's essentially burning a winning lottery ticket by not getting treatment right now.


I strongly suggest that your husband follow his doctors' advice and treat it before it spreads and becomes stage 4. You might suggest to him that you get two or three other opinions regarding which treatment to use. I am 55 years old and I have stage 4 PC. I have received radiation and I am on ADT. The side effects are a small trade off for extending my life significantly.


I'm pursuing the Tulsa Pro procedure. (if I'm not a candidate for Tulsa, I'll seek MRIdian treatment). There is no guarantee that there won't be side effects with Tulsa, but the odds are much better. The odds of doing nothing or relying on untested treatments is high in the risk that the cancer will progress. He doesn't want it to metastasize beyond the prostate gland. Once it has, his odds of beating it are poor, and I've read it will be a very painful. Tulsa can treat just the cancer tumor and leave the rest of the gland untreated OR if necessary, the entire gland can be treated (ablated). The downside is the cost. I have looked all over online and most of what I've found reads that medicare won't cover the procedure, BUT I've also read a few posts that say there are temporary medicare codes that will cover it (some or all of it). The cost runs $30k to $40k from what I've been able to find, so getting medicare to pay for it is important. On top of this, I've also read that medicare will cover it beginning Jan 1st 2024. Please be skeptical of all of this info as there are contradictions online. If you're able to talk your husband into seeking treatment, when it's time for a biopsy, make sure he gets a "fusion" biopsy. I didn't and now regret it.
One last thing.
There is a new Artificial Intelligence program called "Unfold AI". You submit all of your test results into the program and AI analyzes it to predict exactly where the tumors are and how far they have invaded. They programmed the app by looking at test results before surgery then compared those results with the pathology results from prostates that were surgically removed. They used 1000's. Their claimed accuracy is very high. This is cutting edge tech and of course also probably not covered yet but might be (runs $5k). My goal is to cure my cancer with the best odds of no side effects. I sure as he'll don't want this cancer to spread and neither does your husband, though he may not know it yet. He is very lucky to have you doing his research for him.


I didn’t see where you said what his Gleason score is. With his staging alone he is on the verge of being incurable by any medical means, let alone homeopathic approaches. If his Gleason score has 4s or 5s in it then someone needs to convince him he’s gambling with his life.


@sradeb, how are you doing? How are the conversations with your husband going?


I have watched several you tube videos from Dr. Thomas Seyfried on starving cancer cells with a very strict Keto diet. There is a lot of research that shows that cancer cells need Glucose to survive, along with Glutamine, take that away and they die. With a zero carb or almost zero carb diet, your body goes in to Ketosis and only produces Ketones which the rest of the healthy cells in your body can burn for energy just fine, as was the case for thousands of years before humans ate carbs and processed foods. The Inuit eskimos ate only fish and whale blubber, no cancer of any kind in those populations. I am 70 years old was diagnosed 2 months ago with Stage 1c PCa Gleason 4+3=7 70% in 6 of 23 cores Gleason 3+4 40% in 3 cores, 14 cores benign. I had all the tests after my PSA wnt from 4.24 to 6.62 last fall, first Parametric MRI and 4K score blood test ( which was 95% chance of clinically significant cancer) MRI showed 1 - 12mm lesion at mid gland posterior, tumor .42 cc so 1% of my 50.4cc prostate, then fusion biopsy at Mayo, then PSMA PET which confirmed the cance was contained to one side of my prostate, the Decipher score which showed low risk of metastasis at .038 I met with the surgeon, the radiation oncologist, I met with my urologist regarding focal treatment Hifu, I looked in to Brachy Therapy at UCLA w/ Dr. Chang, talked to the peopole that make the TULSA Pro machine, you name it I've researched it. Every treatment has risks and side effects, some I am just not willig to take at my age, if I was 55 or 60 that would be different. I have decided to stay on the super strict Keto diet and starve the cancer cells out. It is an extremely difficult diet. and they recommend water only fasting for 2 - 4 days at a time, and I have always loved food, especially carbs, but I have real motivation now, no more sugar of any kind even in very small amounts, I read the ingredient label on even salad dressing, most contain sugar, I am eating only unprocessed foods, meat, fish, eggs, limited non starch vegetables etc. I would like to get in a clinical trial for men with Intermediate ( Favorable or Unfavorable) Prostate Cancer with all my specific test results, and at my age or older, who chose no treatment of any kind, but have decided to beat it with diet and exercise. I would be happy with 5 more good quality of life years without any treatment side effects, but I have a feeling I will still be around at 80 if heart or stroke don't take me first. I realize I have an unusual attitude towards this PCa and I wish all others well with their treatments.

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