Does Letrozole cause pelvic pain?

Posted by melanid @melanid, Apr 8, 2024

Hello All

So Iv'e been experiencing pelvic pain for the past month. Intensity and duration is gradually increasing. Pain is now constant and is about a two (2) on pain meds and a 4 or 5 without them. I have seen 3 physicians and contacted my medical oncologist. They all seem to agree with getting pelvic floor PT treatment. My medical oncologist is in agreement for me to go off letrozole for one week to see if the pain eases up some. I went to the ER this past weekend and the doctor ordered dicyclomine and bentyl. This has helped reduce the pain some.

So I am wondering if this might be related to letrozole (although uncommon I came across some literature that discussed pelvic pain as a side effect of letrozole).

Has anyone else experienced this or have any insight? I'm also wondering if it might be a totally seperate issue. I am concerend as it is not going away and even with the meds it is quite uncomfortable, interfering with daily life.

The pain is mainly on the left lower side of the pelvic area, also right in the middle of the lower vagina area. (I have had a total hysterectomy in 2017.) Pain is reminiscent of an UTI, menstrual cramps, child birth. Kind of like spasms but not exactly. I also have an increase in incontinence. I had a UA done and it is negative for a UTI. The CT with and without contrast was basically negative in explaining why I am having this pain (showed a hemangioma on the liver and diverticulosis).

I am scheduled to do Emsella treatments this Wednesday but I am concerned that this may aggravate the symptoms (Since I do not have an actual diagnosis yet, How would I know or the doctors know what treatment would be beneficial?)

Thank you for any input.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.,hormonal%20changes%20induced%20by%20Letrozole.
Emsella, said to be the equivalent of 12,000 kegel exercises, could aggravate the symptoms and initially increase incontinence. But also might alleviate the sort of like spasm symptoms. And it might be worth trying for that effect.


@melanid, have you spoken to your oncologist or symptom management nurse about the pain that you're experiencing?

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