Neuropothy nerve block injections in feet??

Posted by allegheny @allegheny, Apr 5, 2024

Has anyone tried epidural nerve block injections in their feet for idiopathic neuropothy? My podiatrist suggested this procedure not sure I should try this. Comments???

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Hi @allegheny, While you wait for members who have had nerve block injections in their feet to respond, I thought you might want to scan through the following related discussions to read what others have shared.

--- Use New Article About Treating Peripheral Neuropathy:
--- Epidural nerve block:


I haven't had it done yet. When I went to see the pain management doctor for my lower back, I also told him about my burning feet that was bothering me while I was waiting. He said when we were finished treating my back with shots he could put a shot in my feet. I didn't know they would put shots in your feet until then.


Hi Myrna, I wish I knew more about this procedure, the podiatrist said he could not guarantee any positive results, as we are always told, everyone is different. I am waiting to see my PCP and get her opinion, if any. Thank You for the response, if I have any further info, I will post it.


Never heard of this from my doctor. But I have read about these drips. I figured I was not bad off enough yet for it.


Never heard of this from my doctor. But I have read about these drips. I figured I was not bad off enough yet for it.

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Epidural drips for neuropothy? Interesting, thank you

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