← Return to Anesthesia related cognitive decline, specifically dysnomia

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I had 3 different surgeries January 2022 through July 2023 and have noticed cognitive decline, worsening brain fog and depression plus personality changes. I am 54 years old and now not able to work due to my cognitive and physical challenges (have 3 degrees and was working in a mentally challenging job). I certainly wasn’t planning to stop working at this age (a single parent of a teenager with no child support or extended family). Unfortunately, older women are often dismissed and I have experienced disrespect and bias. They often just chalk everything up to hormones, menopause and depression/anxiety and throw you prescriptions for antidepressants rather than digging deeper on the source of the problems. When we notice changes, we should be taken seriously and listened to. It is hard to do when you are not feeling well. We shouldn’t have to fight so hard to get care needed. The healthcare system is broken and there is so much waste with limited positive outcomes. Most doctors (not all) are not preventative or proactive and seem to forget to treat patients to improve their overall quality of life. We are healthcare customers who pay a lot but are not treated as such and not getting what we are paying for.

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Replies to "@pb50 I had 3 different surgeries January 2022 through July 2023 and have noticed cognitive decline,..."

Your frustration is merited. I’ve been rather shocked and unprepared for a dismissive response from SOME docs once I reached 70 and was on Medicare. I’m pretty wired for self-advocacy. But such a chore it is!! I have found it is sometimes easier to find another doc and then abandon the frustrating one. .

How are you doing? I thought of you today. I had a dream that i was in the hospital and my bed was in the center of the floor and the doctor’s offices were around me on a rotating floor - so they slowly circled me 🙂

They only knew how to describe anti depressants and could not understand why i wasn't happy in spite of lung cancer and alzheimers and RA. They kept chanting “she’s supposed to be happy” as they gave me different anti depressants. I think i need to add a shrink to my complement of docs 😂

I agree with you. The current healthcare system is broken. Many practicing physicians these days don't have time to spend with their patients. The companies they work for set time limits for patient appointments. Doctors don't have the time needed anymore to provide quality care. Medical care has become a money making operation for doctors, hospital administrators, medical supply companies etc etc. Sadly, the bottom line in medicine now is money not quality of patient care. Sad situation we are in nowadays. I am hoping the introduction of AI into the medical field may help improve patient outcomes.