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Hello - my name is Robin.
My husband was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer last November 2023. He has completed 3 cycles of chemotherapy at Emory in Atlanta. He just finished his 3rd week of proton radiation so he’s got 4 weeks to go. I know everything is about to be more challenging.
I am here for advice and any support moving forward.
I want to be as prepared and helpful as possible.. We have a lot of friends nearby but feel like I shouldn’t burden them with all the information. It’s a lot and we are trying to figure things out moving forward. Thanks for being here…we appreciate it.

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Replies to "Hello - my name is Robin. My husband was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer last November 2023...."

Hi @krob and welcome. It looks like your husband is getting great care, particularly with proton radiation which is far less evasive than the photon mess so many have endured, myself included.
If you dive into the many discussions in this group or pop a word into the site specific search box at the top, you will get a lot of great information. You can start a discussion any time for any major issues you are dealing with as well. A discussion will lead to better visibility and often great comments.
Your thoughts and experience can also be helpful to others here as well.
Feel free to bend our ears.

Hello Robin. I too came here in January for support with my diagnosis of P16SCC. Right now I'm about 10 weeks out from surgery. It really is helpful to visit with people that are in this same struggle. The physical aspects are one thing but managing the mental is another. I understand about friends. When my diagnosis first came out, people were shocked and all over us. Now a little time has passed and people have moved on which is natural. The best advice I can give is stay close and talk. At the same time, caregivers sometimes need a break. My wife has friends and sisters she can vent to during those tough times. People said to me in the beginning that this is a journey and not a destination and boy were they right.