← Return to Doctor said all margins were good, but still needs immunotherapy. Why?

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Update on Bill. They did not get all the cancer . Still shows he has cancer. Along with immuno therapy he will be taking chemo orally. He has gotten 2 immuno therapy treatments but has not started this new chemo yet . The oncologists said he is going to be very aggressive with treatment. Waiting on the his insurance and speciality pharmacy then he begins this chemo.

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Replies to "Update on Bill. They did not get all the cancer . Still shows he has cancer...."

My husband was put on oral chemo and IV chemo after scans /biopsy showed esophageal cancer cells in some lymph nodes. This was 4 years after chemo, radiation, surgery and many good scans. The initial chemo was TOO aggressive! New oncologist stopped the IV chemo (oxaliplatin) after terrible side effects and then reduced the oral chemo (capecitabine) from 2000mg 2 X a day to 500mg 2X a day. He has quality of life, appetite and functioning. He just finished 28 days of radiation , hoping to zap the cancer cells in the lymph nodes with the goal of getting off the oral chemo. 2 scans after being on oral chemo before radiation, showed things were stable, not growing. We won't know if the radiation worked until the next scan in 12 weeks. So, once the fatigue lessens we plan to live it up til the next scan.
We order the oral chemo (capecitabine) through Mark Cuban's pharmacy. It is not filed thru insurance and is mail order and much cheaper. Without insurance= $7,000
with insurance= $225, Mark Cuban =$30 (per month)
It was recommended to us by the medical team. It is easy to use the website and has been very prompt.
Mark Cuban has other expensive drugs too. Check it out if you have expensive meds.
Esophageal cancer is a very sneaky, tough cancer. We pray for all dealing with this disease.