Specific Carbohydrate Diet

Posted by mountainocean @mountainoceangirl, Jun 7, 2016

Are their any scientific or medical studies on the SCD for IBD people? Has anyone here personally tried the SCD for IBD? Did it help any IBD symptoms? Can anyone explain the scientific discrepancies in the SCD diet such as OK to eat honey, but not maple syrup? Or Tabasco sauce is ok, but not natural hot sauce of any other brand? Many people claim to been helped or cured of IBD through the SCD, so that is why I bring this topic to discussion.

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Welcome to Connect @mountainoceangirl.
You ask great questions about the specifics of SCD. I'm tagging @mbengst @jwatch @bearylynn who have written about trying the Specific Carbohydrate Diet in the past and will hopefully return to share their experiences.

In the meantime, I found this video with Mayo's Dr. Jeanne Tung, M.D., where she discusses a study, published in the journal Nutrition, where pediatric gastroenterologists at Seattle Children's Hospital looked back at their patients who had tried the specific carbohydrate diet. http://ibdblog.mayoclinic.org/discussion/specific-carbohydrate-diet-for-pediatric-ibd/

@Pookith85 @missie @bmaske @sherw have any of you tried the Specific Carbohydrate Diet?


SCD diet (specific carbohydrate, http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info/home) is helping tremendously.

Still constipated. Dr said could be possible nerve damage? Maybe bad bacteria dying off causing it?


Thanks for sharing @clemlaa! I moved your message to this discussion about SCD. Did you find the transition to the new diet hard? I bet @mountainoceangirl would like to hear any experience or advice you can share.

@johnbishop, @meemer, @mieke, @michellecrcrn, @ambrose and @uneeq1 – you have all made major diet changes to manage your digestive health issues. Have any of you tried Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD)?

Also regarding constipation, you have to read @cahnny's experience with the "squatty potty". She's had some luck alleviating her constipation using this. Furthermore, she's a hilarious writer. You can read about her experience here, https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/ibs-222fde/?pg=1#post-233925.


Thanks for posting this Nate...I enjoyed the link for the "squatty potty" link. May have to buy one as it reminds me that when I used to go backpacking in a land and time far, far away, we would dig a hole and squat to do our business. Then bury it...:-). I had never heard of the SCD diet so did a quick search and found lots of info on it - http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info/. It is interesting and I would definitely look into it if I had gut issues (other than it just being too big!). I started the basic Wahls Protocol diet about 2 months ago - no gluten, no sugar, no dairy, no processed foods, etc. just because I was inspired by Dr Terry Wahls story and her research into nutrition and causes for MS and autoimmune diseases. I was looking to see if it would have any impact on my SFPN or PMR. She has some great TED talks on YouTube...just have to search her name. I do have some of the "not allowed" stuff but I really try to limit the amount and frequency. I've lost about 20 lbs but have about 15 more to go before I will be happy.


After reading Jane Gottachall's book and website and following diet strictly, I realize error of my ways. All those starches (even 'healthy' ones) sweet potatoes, rice, quinoa were beyond my ability to digest and the undigested starches were feeding the bad bacteria and yeast. Geez all those food journal entries when I would go down after eating linked to the complex carbohydrates my gut was not able to eat. Makes sense since they require more steps to break down as opposed to simple foods that digest easy in one step. JAne is brilliant. Her life dedicated to studying the science behind digestive disease is awe-inspiring. Worth a read is her book. Changed my life


After reading Jane Gottachall's book and website and following diet strictly, I realize error of my ways. All those starches (even 'healthy' ones) sweet potatoes, rice, quinoa were beyond my ability to digest and the undigested starches were feeding the bad bacteria and yeast. Geez all those food journal entries when I would go down after eating linked to the complex carbohydrates my gut was not able to eat. Makes sense since they require more steps to break down as opposed to simple foods that digest easy in one step. JAne is brilliant. Her life dedicated to studying the science behind digestive disease is awe-inspiring. Worth a read is her book. Changed my life

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Thanks for the tip!


Does anyone have experience with the Specific Carbohydrate Diet for gut problems. I have started it but have not been able to secure an appt with a nutritionist and I am on my own, making mistakes. It seems to help but I have lost so much weight that I am too eager to add new foods perhaps too quickly. Does anyone have experience with this diet? It is based on Eileen Gottchild’s book Breaking the Vicious Cycle. Would appreciate any help or insight from members. Thank you.

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