Ongoing side stitch?

Posted by lavendercottage @lavendercottage, Apr 2 8:59pm

I’ve had a pain in my right side on and off for over a decade. When it’s been painful enough to have it assessed, X-rays have shown a blockage at the bend of my upper intestine. The doctors have said it’s trapped gas or I’m constipated. It hurts more if I do anything physical like lifting the laundry basket or moving a light piece of furniture. Have you experienced anything like this and did it turn out to be anything serious? I don’t want to go to the doctor for nothing but it hurts a lot sometimes.

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Hi, sorry you have this side stitch pain. Have you had MRI or Cat scan w contrast? I started having side stitch type discomfort on my right side 2 years ago - after 2 months I finally went to Dr- had to fight for appt as Covid was an issue- I was seen by a resident & sentcfor Cat scan which showed inflammatory issue. You may want to pursue addl testing & perhaps seek out 2nd opinion.
Best wishes


Friend, I made my account just now to answer you. I lived with this in massive pain for four months now and was starving to death, literally. I now know I have duodenal ulcers and inflammation. The pain telegraphs everywhere and you won't be having "stomach" troubles. This was the last thing I suspected; I have no ulcers in the family or in my lifestyle. You need an endoscopy down your throat. May God bless you. Don't despair, they can be treated.

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