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"the intake person said we needed a diagnosis before they could set up an appointment."

That was a big frustration trying to get my dad into the Mayo, and an area where I think they could improve.

Two local doctors knew my dad's case was cancer, but argued endlessly over what type it was. Local labs botched tests. We tried getting him into Mayo ASAP so a more competent lung specialist could sort it out, but they wouldn't see him until the locals settled their debate. All or nothing.

You'd think Mayo could set up an "oncology gatekeeper" program -- somewhat of a generalist, but with expedited access to the detailed experts and the ability to direct you to the right one(s).

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Replies to ""the intake person said we needed a diagnosis before they could set up an appointment." That..."

A gatekeep would be awesome. Just someone to coordinate everyone would be great. Sometimes I know communication between the Doctors is getting messed up. Like the "telephone game."