gastroparesis and help treatment

Posted by leelou03 @leelou03, Mar 18, 2024

I'm getting tested for gastroparesis, I had a test in 2018 but was never told I was borderline on my stomach not emptying. I've had stomach problems a long time , GERD, reflux, bloating, can't eat much and my constant cough. Some digestive problems can cause chronic cough. So it's the "rule out this game" now. Next stop my pulmonologist.

Have a great day and any information is welcomed

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Good luck with your tests. I’ve wondered if I had this condition, but I don’t have enough symptoms, so I don’t think I do. I had a friend who had it and she had a surgical procedure for it. She later told me it was successful and she didn’t suffer anymore. I hope you can get answers to your questions and find relief.


I have gastroparesis for the last 10 year's complicated with malabsorption and chronic nausea. I am on a feeding tube into my small intestine and pump fed and flushed for 18 hours a day. It is not a kind disease. Some people can have it not as bad and still eat 5 small meals a day. I honestly hope you don't have it because it never goes away and seems to get worse as the years go by. I hope they can find a curable problem that you are having. Love and prayers ❤️ 🙏 ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️


I have gastroparesis for the last 10 year's complicated with malabsorption and chronic nausea. I am on a feeding tube into my small intestine and pump fed and flushed for 18 hours a day. It is not a kind disease. Some people can have it not as bad and still eat 5 small meals a day. I honestly hope you don't have it because it never goes away and seems to get worse as the years go by. I hope they can find a curable problem that you are having. Love and prayers ❤️ 🙏 ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️

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That sounds like you've had a rough time. prayers for you
Have a good night


I was one reglan for three years but my doctor took motegrit.But my doctor took me off for cold turkey 🦃 because .my heart issues.and they said .I eat small meals throughout the not eat raw vegetables and fruits with no cover on them cook my vegetables put my fruit in smoothies.not eat all beef or pork chops.beef well tender I shredded up my meat.and my miles or cream 🍦 or butter 🧈 or sour cream.whipped cream.cream cheese . cottage cheese.i drink almond..what help me good luck 🤞 and pray for you 🤞


Good luck with your tests. I’ve wondered if I had this condition, but I don’t have enough symptoms, so I don’t think I do. I had a friend who had it and she had a surgical procedure for it. She later told me it was successful and she didn’t suffer anymore. I hope you can get answers to your questions and find relief.

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Thank you I hope so too. It's been going on for a long time
I hope you have a good day👋😉


My test for gastro paresis came back negative. I am glad for that


What is the test used to diagnose this? I've had two endoscopies and each time I was told that I have delayed gastric emptying. Both were done for other purposes like acid based gastritis (negative). I guess I assumed they diagnosed that because after following the fasting instructions, I still had a certain degree food in my stomach. I have so many possible/probable GI issues, I couldn't even say for sure what symptoms I have from it outside of getting full early in a meal. I hope they can discover what is causing your symptoms earlier than later.


I have gastroparesis for the last 10 year's complicated with malabsorption and chronic nausea. I am on a feeding tube into my small intestine and pump fed and flushed for 18 hours a day. It is not a kind disease. Some people can have it not as bad and still eat 5 small meals a day. I honestly hope you don't have it because it never goes away and seems to get worse as the years go by. I hope they can find a curable problem that you are having. Love and prayers ❤️ 🙏 ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️

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Do they know what caused your gastroparesis? Are you diabetic?


Do they know what caused your gastroparesis? Are you diabetic?

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No I am not a diabetic. They don't know why. I believe it was from a gynecologist that did a simple procedure, but apparently decided to take on an abundance of scar tissue that you could not see through. I got really sick days after my so called simple procedure. I called and they just said it was normal. After 2 weeks and losing 20 pounds to 90 pounds I called again and said I needed to come in because something isn't right. They refused to see me. Finally I went to a gastroenterologist whom I still go to and he diagnosed me with gastroparesis. Then I just kept going downhill. I will always believe that the gynecologist cut something that he shouldn't have.


The cough could be laryngopharyngeal reflux, LRP, which developed because of other issues. See if this information can provide you relief for part of your problems: So sorry you are going through all this.

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