Foot pain with Anastrozole?

Posted by lhwoz @lhwoz, Oct 17, 2023

Hello all-
I have read on this topic from posts that were from 4-5 years ago but looking for your experience from more recently.

I am 56 and on month 6 of Anastrozole. I had ILC stage 1/2 with lumpectomy/re excision and a course of radiation.

I have alwasy been very active as a lifestyle, hiking, gym, Orangetheory etc. Hike all over zion/Bryce Canyon in early May when radiation done to celebrate and remind myself if who I am and will be.

Since Aug I have had some achilles tenderness but more debilitating is crazy foot/heel pain especially in the am or when I get up from sitting/non movement. I have been attributing it to achilles tendinitis(self diagnosis šŸ™ ) but I am finally thinking this is the anastrozole? I literally walk /hobble when I am first out of bed. I have some hand pain also but it feels just more like arthritic/tightness and not as noticeable/not affecting daily activities or exercise. Knees also feel out of sorts but I've had that here and there prior to this.

Can anyone share their experience with the foot /heel situation? Should I try a different AI or will this subside?

Much love and support to you all!

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Thank you for the initial post and the interesting responses. . I was on Anasterazole for approx 4 months when the heel pain started. Similar to others, pain is the worst when I first get out of bed am or have had feet elevated for a period of time and then get up. I wear orthotics due to a history of plantar fasciitis. This is not pf- which is chronic pain- with every step- until treated. My pain seems to go away after a few minutes of walking- but for those few minutes, I am walking like a drunken sailor and also cursing like one. Gives me hope that it might peak when I reach 6 month mark. Iā€™ve been doing water aerobics to see if it helps- answer is no. Will ask dr about osteo biflex. I might try to log whennpain occurs to see if changing any behavior (exercise/homeopathic remedies) helps.


I've taken both Anastrozole and Letrozole and think they're similar in side effects. First, results are cumulative so splitting the dosage or even skipping a day shouldn't make a difference. Second, the painful side effects vary so much between individuals, but I'm hopeful my story helps someone. After about 9 months on Anastrazole I began having severe knee pain to the point of being nearly crippled trying to get up and down stairs and off and on chairs. I thought I was going to have to add bars to the toilet. I changed to Letrozole, but at the same time started taking a collagen supplement. Within a few weeks my knees were nearly back to normal. I'm pretty sure it was the collagen as opposed to the Letrozole change because several months later my knees started to ache again. When looking to replenish my collagen I discovered that I had originally been taking a biotin with collagen supplement, but when it ran out I mistakenly bought (in a nearly identical bottle ) just biotin (no collagen). I now take powder in capsules of strictly collagen. My knees occasionally bother me some, but I do have mild osteoarthritis so that seems normal. I also have some issues with getting my balance when sitting toolong, but I attribute that to the neiropathy in my feet. Maybe I'm wrong. I'm hoping to get off AI's within the year, and look forward to seeing some real inprovement in multiple areas.


Dental issues also? I've had the same dentist for over twenty years and never experienced dental problems until I began taking anastrozole. Two years ago this month, I took myself off that drug after ten months of pure hell (including migraines, joint pain, etc); however, the residual affects to my teeth still exist because I just had another tooth disintegrate piece-by-piece. My dentist made several attempts to save that tooth, but an oral surgeon removed it yesterday. I still face another dental challenge-- appointment set for next month with the same surgeon.

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first off - I'd say bravo for taking control of your situation. So hard to know what to do and everyone while similar all so different. I am sorry to hear of dental issues and am just so bummed to hear of the hits you are taking from this diagnosis and treatment. I am going to share with a family member who is a periodontist - see what she has heard on this.

Im curious to know if your foot/joint pains went away after you stopped the meds? I am 1 year in and while maybe getting a a small reduction in night sweats my foot and hand pain and other joint sensitivities have not seen any relief. I have had no dental problems as of yet,.

I have now had a sort of embarrassing situation to discuss but well here we go. Last Nov I started having symptoms of hemorrhoids? Had never had, but tried med for that to no avail, tried yeast infection cream as someone recommended, no help either. Tried Cortisone - no help either. Thought originally it may have been die to digestive issues after a trip to mexico - very mild but lasted for a few weeks. Finally saw a colorectal MD and he said the AI has messed with my gut biome, yes maybe hemorrhoids up inside (???) and I needed probiotics. Fast forward a month on probiotics and sitz baths not really improved (and my med oncologist said she had never heard of that - however makes sense that lack of estrogen has just been disrupting another system:-).

Take care


Thank you for the initial post and the interesting responses. . I was on Anasterazole for approx 4 months when the heel pain started. Similar to others, pain is the worst when I first get out of bed am or have had feet elevated for a period of time and then get up. I wear orthotics due to a history of plantar fasciitis. This is not pf- which is chronic pain- with every step- until treated. My pain seems to go away after a few minutes of walking- but for those few minutes, I am walking like a drunken sailor and also cursing like one. Gives me hope that it might peak when I reach 6 month mark. Iā€™ve been doing water aerobics to see if it helps- answer is no. Will ask dr about osteo biflex. I might try to log whennpain occurs to see if changing any behavior (exercise/homeopathic remedies) helps.

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I had to share you description with my hub as this is exactly me. Except I describe me walking in the am or middle of the night to the bathroom as being from "tales from the crypt/walking dead". If I didn't know better Id think I also had stress fractures on the outside bones of my feet. It's like my feet don't work, and then yes the hands I have to exercise and open/close. Occurs when I have been sitting but especially when feet up on ottoman or in bed. At 56 I feel like I have aged 2 decades. I am starting to take Tylenol more frequently for the other aches and joint pains, and I have vowed this week to ice bath my feet and ankles and resume foot massages - not sure it will help.

Also - I am a year now on Anastrozole, still hot flashing and night sweating, and the foot pain etc has not subsided. I too hope it will be the case soon, though. I can now start to imagine a scenario where I say no more. Not there at all, but I can see how women just tap out on these meds due to quality of life.


Thank you for the initial post and the interesting responses. . I was on Anasterazole for approx 4 months when the heel pain started. Similar to others, pain is the worst when I first get out of bed am or have had feet elevated for a period of time and then get up. I wear orthotics due to a history of plantar fasciitis. This is not pf- which is chronic pain- with every step- until treated. My pain seems to go away after a few minutes of walking- but for those few minutes, I am walking like a drunken sailor and also cursing like one. Gives me hope that it might peak when I reach 6 month mark. Iā€™ve been doing water aerobics to see if it helps- answer is no. Will ask dr about osteo biflex. I might try to log whennpain occurs to see if changing any behavior (exercise/homeopathic remedies) helps.

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Try the osteo bi flex. I had really bad joint pain in my hips and my onco nurse told me twice to give it a try. I finally did and it has helped tremendously. Good luck 🌹


Will do! Thanks for the tip


ahhhh thanks - all great intel and very interesting to me. I will hope and hope it subsides in the next few months. In the meantime I accidentally and very occasionally forget to take my pill and I view it as a break (afterwards of course - not intentional!) I appreciate your response!

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Well iā€™m with you! I never experienced fior pain or heal pain and iā€™ve been now taking it for 1 1/2 years and I asked my Dr because i couldnā€™t walk when i initially got out of bed or off couch. Basically anytime iā€™m sedentary itā€™s like i canā€™t walk and hobble around for awhile until it gets better and can walk but if i stand it walk a lot then my one heal is killing me! Dr. said it is a side effect of anastrozole iā€™m taking. All i know is itā€™s scary and i want to walk or hop around like i am used to! Recently iā€™ve noticed my legs ache too. I canā€™t imagine as tom goes on as i hope it wonā€™t get worse. I honestly miss going barefoot!


I found your description of walking like drunken sailors or tale from the crypt so hilarious! My foot pain went away after a while (probably after 8 months) but my finger stiffness was getting so bad to the point that I couldn't hold anything at night. I tried glucosamine and turmeric but that didn't help. My oncologist switched my medication to Exemestane. I've been on Exemestane for 2 months and the stiffness is getting a lot better. I also experienced collar bone pain but my my oncologist didn't think it was a side effect from Anastrozole. That pain is almost gone now. My guess is that doctors only know of side effects that are listed or well reported. I very much appreciate everyone here sharing your experience. I'm doing well on Exemestane. It seems that less people complain about Exemestane than Anastrozole. Wish you all the best. Hugs.


Do you have peripheral neuropathy? I get pain in the bottom of my feet sometimes that feels like I'm walking on bones.


I've not heard that mentioned as a diagnosis for the pain that occurs but yes thats kind of what it feels like. But then it resolves once I get going? Hmmm...

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