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Do you fit this paradigm?

Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 | Last Active: May 14 10:03am | Replies (78)

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Yes! I wrote down symptoms as they occurred in early 2020. Covid hit me neurologically. I’m pretty sure I was only infected once, so all these symptoms have been from that original Wuhan strain. Initial symptom was amnesia (likely a focal seizure) and migraine (never had one before). The following week I was OK did not feel myself. I got the fatigue about a week and a half after initial infection. Then weeks later the nerve pain. I had a couple of other small focal seizures (small memory lapses) that first year. I was seeing a neurologist before the term long Covid existed. Doctors could find nothing wrong. Then everything went away. I started to feel great - felt mentally sharp, started walking daily and losing weight. Fast forward a few years and I’ve lost 50 lbs and have no appetite, and the brain fog is worse than ever. I had a lot of anxiety, but did not take meds for it, because I felt the anxiety was caused by the pandemic, and I felt I could manage it. Add poor sleep getting up 10-15 times a night. As you mentioned, I also found myself getting more emotional than before, and had a few episodes of sadness and weeping that were not normal for me - I am normally a cheerful and optimistic person. So lots of things were not ‘me’. Three and 1/2 years after initial infection I had a seizure that required an ambulance and hospital, and was diagnosed with Epilepsy. So to answer your question, yes, Covid symptoms seem to come and go over time. It will take years for the medical community to catch up with what we are experiencing..

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Replies to "Yes! I wrote down symptoms as they occurred in early 2020. Covid hit me neurologically. I’m..."

Each of our stories is a bit different, but all are heartbreaking...though I've posted a few times, I'm not even sure I have Long Covid, except it's the only thing that makes sense with basically OK lab and scan results yet the weird symptoms that so many of which you all describe. I've had chronic sinusitis for a bunch of years (two surgeries, balloon and antrostomy), but though my sinuses now look clear to the ENT, I've still got congestion, PND with gag coughing, now accompanied by muscle aches, insomnia, depression, brain fog, and post-exertional fatigue. This syndrome started after my second Covid bout in June 2023. At month's end, I go to NYU for an official assessment. But I'm beat. My life partner died in 2018. After three years of caregiving, then death chores, grieving, doing Covid solo, I'd been hoping to hit the ground running in 2024 to jump-start whatever I could conjure up as "my new life." Now this. It feels like a cosmic joke. Then again, I ask myself, "Well, why not me? Why would I be exempt?" Reality, yes. Mood-lifter, no. I'm reading everything, buying herbs I never even heard of, meditating with Insight Timer...but, by far, this Mayo board is my best go-to. Thanks, everyone, for so honestly sharing it all. It's a gift. Sending good vibes to all with hopes for breakthrough research findings.