Tendon and muscle pain

Posted by Jim @wrig1jam, Mar 20, 2024

My symptoms include severe tendon pain in my right wrist, pain in my neck and right shoulder muscles with some muscles atrophied. I am taking 500 mg ibuprofen twice a day, but not sure if it is having any impact. I also have a 3M Futuro elastic brace on my right wrist.

Some history; I had the the flu first of January which lasted a week and then I was weak until the first of February. I started some light weight lifting in early February and strained my left and right shoulder muscles. About 2 weeks later I developed a severe burning in my left shoulder area and a mild burning in my right shoulder. Pain was so severe I couldn’t sleep on my sides. I took Celebrex every night and after a week the pain lessened. I was finally able to get a doctors appointment. He took a blood test (CK) for muscle damage which came back negative. He prescribed 500 mg twice a day for the pain. After the doctors appoinment my right wrist tendon pain became severe. I am in the process of scheduling another doctors appointment

Looking for any one with similar experience and recommendations. I hope my message wasn’t too long. Thanks for any insights. Jim

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Honestly you may want to research the family of Flouroquines specifically Cipro and Levoquin. Chemo !! Thus a poisoning of the mitochondria presenting horrific any mysterious painful problems.


Emo, I am somewhat belatedly reading your message to Jim, and am grateful for your mention of seronegative spondyloarthropathy. I had never heard of it, and have been chasing solutions to muscle/tendon pain in glutes, hamstrings, adductors, psoas and pelvis for years. I have 3 diagnosed autoimmune illnesses (celiac sprue, ulcerative colitis, and lupus), and have seen numerous physicians about the pain, but none -- including my rheumatologist -- has ever put the two factors together. So I can't help but be angry that none (3 orthopedists as well as my rheumatologist) has ever had a clue about this possibility. Thanks for the tip-off; at least now I'll have something specific to ask the doc about!

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@wrig1jam @emo @heyjoe415 and others. I haven't seen much discussion about any medications you might have taken when the tendon issues began. @ravenh mentioned a group of antibiotics that have been shown to cause tendon problems. I took Levofloxacin last July for c-diff, and again in December post surgery. It degraded the tissue in my Achilles tendons and ruptured both of them, and has caused other problems throughout my body. Flouroquinolones include Cipro and Levaquin/Levofloxacin. Adding steroids increases risk of side effects.

Have you been prescribed an antibiotic that might be associated with your symptoms?



I’ve had various muscle and nerve pain since I had surgery on one of my thighs to remove a Sarcoma growth that seemed to stem from a dog bite I had over 10 years ago (by my own dog!) It’s been 3 years since I had that surgery and I still have quite a large indentation in my thigh from that surgery and I keep thinking that there must be something more I should be doing Physical Therapy wise to help get those nerves back in shape and help that muscle continue to improve. The Surgeon I was seeing for it is 3 hrs away so I am alittle frustrated. Maybe my family doctor who is more local might have some ideas to help me.


@wrig1jam @emo @heyjoe415 and others. I haven't seen much discussion about any medications you might have taken when the tendon issues began. @ravenh mentioned a group of antibiotics that have been shown to cause tendon problems. I took Levofloxacin last July for c-diff, and again in December post surgery. It degraded the tissue in my Achilles tendons and ruptured both of them, and has caused other problems throughout my body. Flouroquinolones include Cipro and Levaquin/Levofloxacin. Adding steroids increases risk of side effects.

Have you been prescribed an antibiotic that might be associated with your symptoms?


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Dear Jim. I have had a couple ligaments tear also. Horrific pain on bottom of heel. Many muscle and tendon pains. Plus so much more. My symptoms all started one after the other when I had to take NSAIDs for a meniscus tear. These also trigger the so called bomb of effects from those chemo antibiotics. My hair also came out in globs.


Dear Jim. I have had a couple ligaments tear also. Horrific pain on bottom of heel. Many muscle and tendon pains. Plus so much more. My symptoms all started one after the other when I had to take NSAIDs for a meniscus tear. These also trigger the so called bomb of effects from those chemo antibiotics. My hair also came out in globs.

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Did you have surgery for the meniscus? I had menisci repaired on both sides of my knee. When I recover from these Achilles tendon ruptures, that knee will be replaced. Seems like one thing after another. If you had surgery, I wonder what antibiotic they had you take. I hope chemotherapy has helped.



@wrig1jam @emo @heyjoe415 and others. I haven't seen much discussion about any medications you might have taken when the tendon issues began. @ravenh mentioned a group of antibiotics that have been shown to cause tendon problems. I took Levofloxacin last July for c-diff, and again in December post surgery. It degraded the tissue in my Achilles tendons and ruptured both of them, and has caused other problems throughout my body. Flouroquinolones include Cipro and Levaquin/Levofloxacin. Adding steroids increases risk of side effects.

Have you been prescribed an antibiotic that might be associated with your symptoms?


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I haven't been on an antibiotic or a steroid in years. I am, however, on many meds for a variety of chronic conditions. I can't pin the onset of my tendon/muscle problems to the start of any particular med.


Did you have surgery for the meniscus? I had menisci repaired on both sides of my knee. When I recover from these Achilles tendon ruptures, that knee will be replaced. Seems like one thing after another. If you had surgery, I wonder what antibiotic they had you take. I hope chemotherapy has helped.


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Dear Jim. I did not have surgery for my medial meniscus tear. I did not have surgery for a total ACL rupture of the same knee 16 yrs ago. I did have cold laser treatment for 7 weeks. For my meniscus. My problems All began upon taking NSAIDS which triggered the flouroquinoline bomb to go off just as steroids could also cause. I was given Cipro in ER for UTI. And Levoquin on two occasions for flu. The fluorine’s stay in your cells and can react when u take like I did or you the inflammatory meds. Flouroquinolones are a type of chemo drug!!!! It can take years to recover. We were Floxed is the terminology. I am taking many supplements to try to detox this poison. My meniscus tear is still healing I use KT taping always some days a knee sleeve. I do muscle strengthening to help it heal. It is a commitment to stave off surgery. My tear is also nearly healed past few days the sharp pain I can get is subsiding. I was at one point about 4 months ago reduced to crutches. I also have a flight of 12 steps to deal with in my home. Hope you heal up soon too!!


Dear Jim. I did not have surgery for my medial meniscus tear. I did not have surgery for a total ACL rupture of the same knee 16 yrs ago. I did have cold laser treatment for 7 weeks. For my meniscus. My problems All began upon taking NSAIDS which triggered the flouroquinoline bomb to go off just as steroids could also cause. I was given Cipro in ER for UTI. And Levoquin on two occasions for flu. The fluorine’s stay in your cells and can react when u take like I did or you the inflammatory meds. Flouroquinolones are a type of chemo drug!!!! It can take years to recover. We were Floxed is the terminology. I am taking many supplements to try to detox this poison. My meniscus tear is still healing I use KT taping always some days a knee sleeve. I do muscle strengthening to help it heal. It is a commitment to stave off surgery. My tear is also nearly healed past few days the sharp pain I can get is subsiding. I was at one point about 4 months ago reduced to crutches. I also have a flight of 12 steps to deal with in my home. Hope you heal up soon too!!

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I've learned a lot about flouroquinolones in the past few months. For one thing, there's a cumulative effect, so the more times you're exposed to them, along with various other things, including nsaids, it exacerbates the damage. I take Meloxicam for painful arthritis in my hands.

One of the side effects is clumsy gait, which I'm having a real problem with. I also had bilateral Achilles tendon ruptures, and I don't know if the clumsiness is from the tendon ruptures or is a separate problem. I can't get any answers from the doctors.


I've learned a lot about flouroquinolones in the past few months. For one thing, there's a cumulative effect, so the more times you're exposed to them, along with various other things, including nsaids, it exacerbates the damage. I take Meloxicam for painful arthritis in my hands.

One of the side effects is clumsy gait, which I'm having a real problem with. I also had bilateral Achilles tendon ruptures, and I don't know if the clumsiness is from the tendon ruptures or is a separate problem. I can't get any answers from the doctors.

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Dear Jim. For arthritis in my hands I use Frankincense Oil from vitality extracts. It does the trick to. Your clumsy gait could also stem from those antibiotics. It wrecks havik with the nervous system also. For the detoxing from those antibiotics I take 500mg of magnesium. Magnesium flakes in foot baths and magnesium oil on skin. I take liquid boron, vit k snd E plenty of sunshine and shiljit dry drops plus many more things. I can feel the difference in my overall symptoms. Hope this could help with some of your symptoms.


Emo, I am somewhat belatedly reading your message to Jim, and am grateful for your mention of seronegative spondyloarthropathy. I had never heard of it, and have been chasing solutions to muscle/tendon pain in glutes, hamstrings, adductors, psoas and pelvis for years. I have 3 diagnosed autoimmune illnesses (celiac sprue, ulcerative colitis, and lupus), and have seen numerous physicians about the pain, but none -- including my rheumatologist -- has ever put the two factors together. So I can't help but be angry that none (3 orthopedists as well as my rheumatologist) has ever had a clue about this possibility. Thanks for the tip-off; at least now I'll have something specific to ask the doc about!

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Hi! Well, now I am belatedly responding. I apologize. I randomly stopped receiving notifications.

I don’t want to see things where I don’t, but our situations are exactly why I always try to bring it up. I was also really angry it took so long for me to be diagnosed and that some rheumatologists (including at Mayo) were even doubtful it was a real condition.

The rheumatologist who ultimately diagnosis me suspected it specifically because I have a family history of ulcerative colitis—which is a spondyloarthropathy! My rheumatologist was charitable to her colleagues who didn’t make the connection…she said depending on when you were in med school or if you saw a case, they may or may not have studied it in depth. And there wasn’t much written about it back then and still there’s not much mentioned and what’s out there sounds confusing and contradictory at times.

I agree it’s worth it for you to look into because if it’s the right diagnosis, there’s treatment for it. I started empiric (trial and error) treatment because I had so many tendon injuries all at the same time and I was in so much pain. It’s not all resolved but it’s better now.

I hope you’re able to get some answers, no matter what it turns out to be.

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