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My cholesterol level is 320 without statins. I have been trying to bring this down for 40 years without statins.

I recently started on a strict keto diet (25 grams per day) to fight cancer, and I only eat foods from the book “Eat to Beat Disease” I eat a vegetarian diet with a bit of cheese and nonfat yogurt. 80% of my calories are from fat - nuts and seeds ( 2 Tbsp. flax and 2 Tbsp chia seeds in NF yogurt), olive oil, and MCT oil (I have gallstones so I need to watch my my overall fat intake). MCT oil is metabolized directly to ketones in the liver. I eat lots of fiber and I only eat in a two hour window between 12-2.

My weight has dropped to my high school weight with a BMI of 20. My cholesterol surprisingly is now 180 on 10 mg of Rosuvastatin and my LDL is low. I am stopping the Rosuvastain to see if it stays under 200.

My doctor supports me on this diet. It takes time and careful monitoring to follow a very low carbohydrate diet. I check my blood sugar and ketones daily and take vitamin and mineral supplements.

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Replies to "My cholesterol level is 320 without statins. I have been trying to bring this down for..."


Great on the dirt to lower weight, and increase overall health.

But, you've known of your circumstances for 40 years? And, didn't use statins until just recently? And, if you didn't have any side effects from statins, why would you stop taking them? I'm assuming you're wanting to get LDL and trig as low as possible, right?