Does more frequent ejaculation accelerate return normal semen color?

Posted by kalidad @kalidad, Mar 28 10:32am

One week after transperineal biopsy, semen remains bright red in color. Can the return to normal semen color be accelerated by more frequent ejaculation?

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Two weeks of bleeding is normal.
The answer to your question is no. But, I encourage you to have as much of this activity as is pleasant.


My biopsy was TR, but, the color improved but never got back to normal between the biopsy and the operation. I've never heard of frequency being a factor, but, not sure I've heard the question before.
Hopefully the biopsy was negative..


I have the same question. My biopsy was trans perineum nine days ago. I am 66 years old if that matters. Today ejaculated for the first time since the procedure, in the amount of blood, and the color was horrifying. I will refrain from ejaculating because I don’t want to see that again. It’s just too upsetting and it takes away from what should be a pleasurable experience. That said, I am curious to know if it’s just better to ejaculate a couple times a week to clear out any blood that’s accumulating in the pipes for lack of a better term.

I know this is off-topic, but in addition to the blood in the urine and semen, a day after the procedure, my perineum, scrotum, and a bit of the shaft of my penis, turned a dark purple, and that scared the you know what out of me. Apparently this happened sometimes as result of TP biopsy. Absolutely no information or warning from the doctor Or the PA after the procedure about things, turning purple.

I went to a well known hospital in New York City and I’m disappointed with the lack of post-op Information.


I have the same question. My biopsy was trans perineum nine days ago. I am 66 years old if that matters. Today ejaculated for the first time since the procedure, in the amount of blood, and the color was horrifying. I will refrain from ejaculating because I don’t want to see that again. It’s just too upsetting and it takes away from what should be a pleasurable experience. That said, I am curious to know if it’s just better to ejaculate a couple times a week to clear out any blood that’s accumulating in the pipes for lack of a better term.

I know this is off-topic, but in addition to the blood in the urine and semen, a day after the procedure, my perineum, scrotum, and a bit of the shaft of my penis, turned a dark purple, and that scared the you know what out of me. Apparently this happened sometimes as result of TP biopsy. Absolutely no information or warning from the doctor Or the PA after the procedure about things, turning purple.

I went to a well known hospital in New York City and I’m disappointed with the lack of post-op Information.

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Now that time has passed, I can answer my own question now with the benefit of experience.

I chose to ejaculate about twice a week, despite the gruesome sight of bright red ejaculate. By the end of 4 weeks it was completely normal, gradually improving each week, thank God. I don't think that ejaculating more frequently than that would have made a big difference in the time to return to fully normal color.

As for your other post-TP issues, I did not experience any discoloration of my genitals and received no warning from the doctor to that effect, either.

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