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Sorry, accidentally hit Send on my initial reply….

We are trying to get comfortable with the hematologist/oncologist at NW. She is considered one of the best but her bedside manner leaves my husband feeling unsettled and not as hopeful as we’d like. We like her Nurse practitioners so that’s positive. We are really impressed with the stem cell transplant doc and transplant nurse coordinator at NW as well!
We also met with the NW transplant coordinator by phone yesterday (it was a big day in many ways!) and we learned that they found 3 - 100% donor matches for my husband. All male, in their 30’s and located outside the US. We are thrilled. We know this is a marathon but this is an important milestone.

Back to the second opinion…. we really liked this doctor and her manner was easy, comforting and intelligent. RUSH is about to announce a partnership with MD Anderson. We are considering trying to get an appointment at MD Anderson with the thought that the transplant could be done there and post transplant care could be done with this doctor and the RUSH team in Chicago.
It’s a lot to consider given all the details surrounding travel there, insurance coverage (he goes on Medicare 6/1/24 so we could have that option effective then but our current policy wouldn’t cover him there).
So as you can see we have had a lot of developments in 24 hours!
We have a lot to think about and know that our comfort with his doctor and the entire care team is very important.

Thanks again for checking in. Hope all is well with you.

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Replies to "Sorry, accidentally hit Send on my initial reply…. We are trying to get comfortable with the..."

Good morning, Mary. Your husband and you have some big decisions ahead! Wow, so much going on right now with insurance, travel, where to go…
One thought is to not let the current hematologist’s less than pleasant bedside manner factor in at this point. You want her expertise, not her friendship. AND, if you opt to stay for your husband’s transplant at NW, the transplant doctor and team will take over all the care so the hematologist will move to the background.

MD Anderson and Rush…that’s a dream team in the making! If travel isn’t a hinder for you then a 2nd opinion there is worth exploring.

And of course, I may be a teensy bit biased but there’s Mayo Clinic. Their transplant program and teams are world class. My Rochester team works closely with my home cancer clinic for routine blood work or anything that pops up that doesn’t require my returning to Rochester for treatment.
I’ll be reporting to the Mother Ship next week for my 5 year anniversary appointment!! That’s an exciting milestone!

Fantastic to hear about 3 potential matches. The pieces are all falling into place and the news is good about your husband’s response to the chemo. You’re right, the cleaner he is going into transplant, the better. There is also one more round of pre-conditioning chemo the week before transplant. That’s like ‘auto clean-power wash’ on my dishwasher. 😅 Squeaky clean marrow after that.

What a crazy day you two had. Phew…take a breather!! Let’s hope today is a little more chill! Thanks for the update and we’ll all keep fingers crossed for a good biopsy on the 9th! Hugs!