Neurological and sleep issues after gall bladder removal

Posted by gariston @gariston, Feb 18, 2024

Surgery went well, but about four weeks later, I started experiencing severely decreased cognitive functioning, muscle twitches all over my body, tremors, tension in my muscles, and insomnia. I also had significant changes in my digestion, with floating and oily stools, gas and bloating. I found out I was deficient in B12, B1, and D. Cognitive symptoms, twitches, and tremors improved but not entirely gone after those were addressed, but tension and insomnia are still there. I've been getting 4-6 hours for a year post surgery now. The tension is mostly in my hips and glutes, and I can't relax those when I lay down to sleep.
Has anyone experienced anything similar and found what was wrong? The latest blood tests indicate that my protein digestion is off, which would affect the tryptophan metabolism and serotonin pathway. Lots of symptoms I've had overlap with serotonin deficiency, and that would affect sleep.

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let me see if i have this right. ALL of you who have had your gallbladders removed. BELIEVE that it is the reason for your Neurological and sleep issues. RIGHT?? interesting hypothesis. the reason i ask and say this is i too have had mine removed. because it went bad. causing Pancreatitis. which damaged part of my pancreas. I never had these issues because of the gallbladder.
i have sleep apnea. which was diagnosed before gallbladder removal. i have Crohns disease, which was diagnosed back in 2009. which causes diarrhea, or constipation. i too was anemic pretty much my whole life. i'm 65 now. which caused issues with vitamin B. which again was before gallbladder removal. without proper DX from your doctor. HOW can you assume that your problems are caused by the removal of your gallbladder?? are you saying it was a mistake to have the gallbladder removed?? i ask this. WHY did the doctors advise that you have it removed in the first place?? because it needed to be?? was it damaged and making you sick?? did YOU ever have any symptoms of these issues you complain about, before the gallbladder removal?? trust me. doctors do not decide on a whim to do this. also. doctors do not force you to do this either. the final decision is yours and YOURS alone.
I AM not blaming you nor the doctors. believe me. i've had my share of issues with doctors. BUT, i make the final decision after consulting with other doctors. as i always say here. GET A SECOND OPINION. and do your homework before surgery. unless it's an emergency to SAVE YOUR LIFE. and you really don't get to choose. d 🏳️‍🌈

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Danny, I'm not sure what are you trying to accomplish with your post but I don't see anything helpful there. Are you saying that those of us who have had this experience don't know our bodies, or what we're talking about? I can assure you that my health was excellent prior to the surgery, and that the surgery was unquestionably the turning point. However, what's done is done and what I'm looking for are others who are dealing with similar consequences and have some practical advice derived from their experience to offer. You don't seem to fall in that category so you may want to keep to yourself.


Some of what you describe may be an anesthesia related issue. I had lung cancer surgery 10mos ago and I am not, and don’t think I am likely, to ever again be the same.

The docs are satisfied they “got it all” .. which was their mission.

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I think what you're describing might be the post operative cognitive dysfunction POCD. The symptoms I experienced in the weeks following the surgery are described in POCD literature, but this is not the complete list, as it doesn't include tremor, balance and coordination issues, muscle weakness, and insomnia.

(i) Learning and memory: ability to learn and recall new information
(ii) Language: comprehension or expression
(iii) Perceptual motor: visual perception and coordination
(iv) Social cognition: insight and recognition of emotions
(v) Complex attention: sustained, divided or selective attention and speed of processing
(vi) Executive function: planning, decision-making and flexibility
(vii) Delirium: an acutely fluctuating disturbance in attention, awareness and cognition developed over a short period of time,of%20surgery%20and%20hospital%20stay.


I think what you're describing might be the post operative cognitive dysfunction POCD. The symptoms I experienced in the weeks following the surgery are described in POCD literature, but this is not the complete list, as it doesn't include tremor, balance and coordination issues, muscle weakness, and insomnia.

(i) Learning and memory: ability to learn and recall new information
(ii) Language: comprehension or expression
(iii) Perceptual motor: visual perception and coordination
(iv) Social cognition: insight and recognition of emotions
(v) Complex attention: sustained, divided or selective attention and speed of processing
(vi) Executive function: planning, decision-making and flexibility
(vii) Delirium: an acutely fluctuating disturbance in attention, awareness and cognition developed over a short period of time,of%20surgery%20and%20hospital%20stay.

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Thank you. I’ve had a multi hour neuropsych testing a few weeks ago and get the conclusion readout the 28th. I had brain MRI and I have no volume loss and nothing that could reasonably be seen as a contributor to mci.

We will see!



It is the reason. I don't "believe" it. I know it. Why?

1. Again, I was perfectly healthy prior. I never had a single one of these issues. No health problems at all in fact. I went to the doctor once a year for a checkup and blood work. I always had a clean bill of health. I didn't feel bad in any way. I rarely even got a cold. I was very healthy. Again, I was a runner and very fit as well. I ate a healthy diet. I had no health problems.

2. Within weeks after getting my gallbladder out I started having issues. I was vomiting bile very quickly after. Within two weeks I was getting my first endoscope where they found gastritis...newly developed. Then the health problems began to fall like dominos: one after another.

3. You said all that about the doctors and getting a second opinion. Sure, that is great in hindsight, but let me tell you the story of what happened:

I'd never had a health problem before. Nothing other than the average cold. I remember exactly four of those in my life prior to this. I was 36 years old the morning I woke up to pee and right after had a sudden horrendous pain in my right side. I'd never felt that kind of pain before in my life. I went to the ER. This was July 2020 (the height of COVID) and they wouldn't let my family come in with me. So I was all alone and in the worst pain of my life. There, they ran tests all day until it was about 9pm at night. They didn't give me pain meds or anything to help, so it was hours of agony. Then, around that time, a PA comes in to tell me it is my gallbladder and they want to remove it. I get very worried and tell her I've never had a digestive problem in my life. So I'm confused. She says they see some sludge in my gallbladder. I ask her what happens if I just go home instead of getting it removed. She says that my gallbladder could burst. Now, the only comparable thing I'd heard of was an appendix bursting and I knew that could kill you. So, I agreed. Keep in mind I was at a pain of about 9/10 and had no family with me to help make the decision. I did ask what the side effects were. I even ask if it messed up the gut microbiome. My surgeon was called in specifically for my surgery. I ask him. He said 1% get loose stool after and the rest is fine. He said no problems with the gut microbiome. I ask if he was sure because I didn't really want my gallbladder removed. He said that it needed to come out.

So, not knowing much about medicine and thinking that doctors always tried to "do no harm" I agreed.

After the surgery I was at a 10/10 pain and the nurses said they had never seen that before. Well, two weeks later I was back in the ER for the same pain. That is when the doctor on staff finally told me the truth. She had looked at my CT from that first night and it turns out...I had a right kidney stone. They never told me that and I ask them if it could be anything else. THAT was causing my pain. After, I requested a copy of my gallbladder pathology report. It showed no infection, no swelling and no stones. My gallbladder was fine.

I cannot sue them because my state governor signed a law at the time saying that no doctor could be sued during COVID...even for non-COVID reasons. Am I to be blamed for trusting the doctors? Two of them? The ER doctor and the surgeon? Am I to be blamed because they didn't tell me about the kidney stone even thought I told them I didn't think it was my gallbladder? I even ask if there were other ways I could treat it or other ways to make 100% sure it was really my gallbladder. They said no, which was an outright lie as I found out later about the HIDA scan. So yes, I was naive and trusted doctors. I guess I learned my lesson, but it is a lesson I shouldn't have had to learn. What they did was wrong on every level. They lied to me more than once. Guess what...the negative outcomes isn't just 1% and they have all sorts of research showing it changes your gut microbiome. And I thought it was an emergency to SAVE MY LIFE (as you put it). The doctor told me my life was at risk. I had no idea it wasn't.

Anyway, yes...I am sure my gallbladder removal is responsible for this. It was like flipping a light switch on my health. One day I was perfectly fine and very healthy. I felt incredible. After, I feel like I'm 80 (I'm now 40 years old) and I struggle with chronic health problems every day.

I passed that kidney stone about four weeks later btw. I apparently wasn't drinking enough water. Like I said...I was a runner and it was July when this happened, so that is how I got that kidney stone.

Not all people have the opportunity to do all the things you said, unfortunately. I didn't.

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i'm sorry you had to go through all of that on your own @terri9. it's hard enough to deal with if you have family to help discuss it with. but, to be alone is a 100 times more difficult. that's why i said educate yourself and get a second opinion. but you were not given any of those options or opportunities to do so. plus being lied to didn't help in your decision making process. please accept my deepest apologies. d 🏳️‍🌈


Danny, I'm not sure what are you trying to accomplish with your post but I don't see anything helpful there. Are you saying that those of us who have had this experience don't know our bodies, or what we're talking about? I can assure you that my health was excellent prior to the surgery, and that the surgery was unquestionably the turning point. However, what's done is done and what I'm looking for are others who are dealing with similar consequences and have some practical advice derived from their experience to offer. You don't seem to fall in that category so you may want to keep to yourself.

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no not at all @gariston. i do fall into that category. if you would have read my post properly. instead of automatically going off half cocked. thinking who does he think he is? he don't know my body. i never said that. and if you think that? that's on you. if as you say your health was excellent prior to surgery. WHY did the doctor even suggest you have your gallbladder removed? what happened to your excellent health so drastically? d 🏳️‍🌈


FYI your profile states you are currently dealing with a disc at L5-L6. There is no L6. The lumbar spine transitions to the sacral spine - so that disc is L5-S1.

I would just add that in response to your post regarding gallbladder removal and consequences of that, your experience is yours. But it need not be presumed to be universal. Docs are no better nor worse than the rest of us. Some are empathetic. Some are jerks. Some are brilliant, some not so much. Some are collaborators, some are arrogant about their ability and see no need to collaborate.
I try to give people who had the actual experience the benefit of the doubt about that experience.
It’s their reality - I honor that.

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@pb50. my question to you is what's my profile got to do with my post on gallbladder removal? HUH?? not a damn thing. so i made a simple mistake on L-5 and said also L-6. which i've learned since then. that it don't exist. by educating myself. heaven forbid. me a man who made a mistake. i also stated that i don't blame the patient nor the doctor. NOBODY is perfect. NOBODY. least of ALL ME. more than i can say about some people here. I did not attack anyone. so please remember that the next time you make a reply to someone else. before checking yourself and getting ALL the facts. now if you will excuse me. i'm done. i can't deal with people who think they ARE perfect and make NO MISTAKES.


@pb50. my question to you is what's my profile got to do with my post on gallbladder removal? HUH?? not a damn thing. so i made a simple mistake on L-5 and said also L-6. which i've learned since then. that it don't exist. by educating myself. heaven forbid. me a man who made a mistake. i also stated that i don't blame the patient nor the doctor. NOBODY is perfect. NOBODY. least of ALL ME. more than i can say about some people here. I did not attack anyone. so please remember that the next time you make a reply to someone else. before checking yourself and getting ALL the facts. now if you will excuse me. i'm done. i can't deal with people who think they ARE perfect and make NO MISTAKES.

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For the record I checked your profile because I always check the profile of anyone I haven’t had previous dialogue with.

It wasn’t my intention to offend so my apologies since it’s obvious I have.

I was trying to encourage you to allow others their experiences and their conclusions. You have your experiences and your approach and your conclusions.

Anyway - you be you. Apologies.



I had the EXACT same thing happen to me. I was fine before my gallbladder was removed on July 4, 2020. No health issues, vitamin issues or anything. Afterward, I ended up having a lot of problems.

Digestion: Loose stool, floating stool and all that. I also felt horrible. For a while I was throwing up straight bile.

Sleep: One of the first things I noticed was how off my sleep was. Prior to removal, I slept really well....deep and long. Now, it feels like my sleep quality is horrible. It is light and I seem to wake up a lot. I don't sleep for long and I don't feel rested the next day. I also struggle with insomnia in general now.

Anxiety: It feels like I'm restless. Like I can't do any of my old hobbies (like reading) because I just feel I don't have the attention span/can't relax. And that isn't coming from "me"'s like my body is doing it on its own. I had no issues relaxing before.

Cognitive/Neurological: I was a writer before. Now, my imagination is gone. That has been horrible for me. My brain feels like it processes things slower. Like I'm not as intelligent. For a long time after surgery, I experienced brain fog too. That has eased a tiny bit. Also, in the last few years, I suddenly developed tremors. A neurologist confirmed these tremors and said he has no idea what is causing them. I had very steady hands before surgery.

Vitamin Deficiencies: I was found to be deficient in B12, B1, and also vitamin D. Exactly like you. I have started to address that and it has helped, but not cured my problems.

Some of my blood tests have shown some issues since, but nothing the doctors seem to want to address.

Endurance/fitness: I was a runner before. I ran five miles every day. I worked out and was in shape. Now, I have zero endurance. I tried to run after. I really tried. However, my body just won't do it anymore. I still stay in shape by pushing myself to walk and lift some weights, but it is much harder and I don't have the cardio endurance like I used to. It no longer feels easy. I have to fight it all the time.

Health Problems Diagnosed with since: Fatty liver, thyroid nodule, tremors, mild heart valve problems, vitamin deficiencies, and Sjogren's autoimmune disease. Had NONE of this before. And why do I have a fatty liver? I am not eating a ton of bad food and I am not sedentary. So why?

Basically, getting my gallbladder removed ruined my health entirely. Before, I felt like I was still in my 20's even though I was 36 years old. Now, I feel so much older than my age. I struggle every single day with these new chronic conditions and I curse the day I decided to listen to the doctors and have mine removed. And doctors want to help. They just shrug and want to treat some of the symptoms with various medications. No one wants to investigate and no one wants to try to figure it out.

Personally, my theory is several things. I think like you said that serotonin is off. I used to be very happy in general. Now, I'm not. It even changed my personality. I don't really want to do the same things I used to. And this isn't just me being upset about what happened. I mean...I don't even feel like myself. We know most serotonin is made in the gut. I think the bile there alters the gut microbiome as well as harming the gut lining changing serotonin production/how it is used.

I also know for a fact I frequently have gastritis. This can cause B vitamin absorption issues....particularly B12. So I think I constantly have that going on now. Before I had an iron problems at all.

So, I think our gut is the key to our health and that messing it up this badly really messes with our health. Have you had any success with figuring out how to handle this? Any updates on your health? Have you found any doctors that actually care to take an interest?

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"Have you had any success with figuring out how to handle this? Any updates on your health? Have you found any doctors that actually care to take an interest?"

Along with the other issues, my athletic ability also rapidly declined. I was in the best shape of my life heading into this. Three days after my surgery, I walked five miles. Six months later, I was unable to stand without staggering. I couldn't run because my knees felt weak and would buckle while walking. I also lost sensation in my muscles and did not get that calm, satisfied feeling after exercise. I too wondered if this was how old age felt. This has improved with training, but two years postop, I am still not as strong or coordinated as before.

I suspect that the surgical procedure, or changes to digestion and nutritional deficiencies , or all of the above, had some sort of effect on the central nervous system. There is still so much that's unknown about how the brain works, or even the mechanism of how the anesthesia and a few other drugs I received prior to and during surgery work. So figuring out if this was the cause may be fruitless.

My cognitive issues have improved the most, but I continue to lose my train of thought. Finding words on the fly, as well as motivation and focus, are still challenges. I attribute those to persistent insomnia, and I'm hoping that if that improves, the remaining cognitive issues will as well.

After being gaslighted on several occasions, I believe I have found a physician who is as perplexed as I am and is working with me. I've had numerous blood and hormone tests, and almost everything appears to be fine. My brain MRI revealed nothing that could explain these issues. The Indican test was abnormal, which prompted me to suspect that tryptophan metabolism is broken. That might explain insomnia as a functioning tryptophan > serotonin pathway is a precursor for proper sleep.

I should mention that in the time period prior to and after the surgery, I was experiencing chronic stress due to some personal issues with my family. Stress makes everything worse, but I was able to manage it prior to and immediately after the surgery. Only after the cognitive symptoms began in earnest was I unable to handle any stress at all. Also, I can't tolerate caffeine afterward because even half a cup makes me extremely jittery, sweat profusely, and unable to sleep at all. I owned a coffee shop before and had a pretty high caffeine tolerance.

Also, the contrast MRI I did prior to surgery discovered some lesions on my pelvic bone that they wanted to further investigate, so I underwent a full body PET scan and another contrast MRI about a month post op. The lesions were benign. My cognitive symptoms started after these two tests, but I don't necessarily believe they are the cause, although I can't rule them out either.

Were you experiencing chronic stress at the time, and what specific scans did they perform on you?


"Have you had any success with figuring out how to handle this? Any updates on your health? Have you found any doctors that actually care to take an interest?"

Along with the other issues, my athletic ability also rapidly declined. I was in the best shape of my life heading into this. Three days after my surgery, I walked five miles. Six months later, I was unable to stand without staggering. I couldn't run because my knees felt weak and would buckle while walking. I also lost sensation in my muscles and did not get that calm, satisfied feeling after exercise. I too wondered if this was how old age felt. This has improved with training, but two years postop, I am still not as strong or coordinated as before.

I suspect that the surgical procedure, or changes to digestion and nutritional deficiencies , or all of the above, had some sort of effect on the central nervous system. There is still so much that's unknown about how the brain works, or even the mechanism of how the anesthesia and a few other drugs I received prior to and during surgery work. So figuring out if this was the cause may be fruitless.

My cognitive issues have improved the most, but I continue to lose my train of thought. Finding words on the fly, as well as motivation and focus, are still challenges. I attribute those to persistent insomnia, and I'm hoping that if that improves, the remaining cognitive issues will as well.

After being gaslighted on several occasions, I believe I have found a physician who is as perplexed as I am and is working with me. I've had numerous blood and hormone tests, and almost everything appears to be fine. My brain MRI revealed nothing that could explain these issues. The Indican test was abnormal, which prompted me to suspect that tryptophan metabolism is broken. That might explain insomnia as a functioning tryptophan > serotonin pathway is a precursor for proper sleep.

I should mention that in the time period prior to and after the surgery, I was experiencing chronic stress due to some personal issues with my family. Stress makes everything worse, but I was able to manage it prior to and immediately after the surgery. Only after the cognitive symptoms began in earnest was I unable to handle any stress at all. Also, I can't tolerate caffeine afterward because even half a cup makes me extremely jittery, sweat profusely, and unable to sleep at all. I owned a coffee shop before and had a pretty high caffeine tolerance.

Also, the contrast MRI I did prior to surgery discovered some lesions on my pelvic bone that they wanted to further investigate, so I underwent a full body PET scan and another contrast MRI about a month post op. The lesions were benign. My cognitive symptoms started after these two tests, but I don't necessarily believe they are the cause, although I can't rule them out either.

Were you experiencing chronic stress at the time, and what specific scans did they perform on you?

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Wow. It is really like reading exactly what happened to me. I've never spoken with anyone that had these exact same symptoms before.

Yes, same here on the athletic ability. My endurance fell off a cliff. I think I said it in one of my posts above, but I was a runner. Five miles every day without fail for years before. After my surgery, I tried to get back to it. Even two weeks post-op I tried. At first, I chalked up my lack of endurance as just recovering from surgery. However, I never got it back. Like you, my muscles felt weak, almost to the point of giving out. I was also in the best shape of my life going into the surgery.

I also told my family that I felt I had aged 2-3 decades in the space of a month or two. And I've never really recovered since then. I've tried and tried to get back into running. I still force myself to walk daily and I still weight train, but it's nowhere near what I could do before.

Like you, I had a lot of stress in my life, but only AFTER the surgery. I wasn't stressed at all prior to the surgery. The stress after was because I kept trying to push myself to keep up with what I used to do. That caused a lot of stress, along with the fact that I felt a lot worse. Eventually, I had to stop doing that because I just couldn't keep it up. I definitely know I went through a lot of physical and mental stress in the months following the surgery. I also lost about 30 lbs (and I was already normal weight) because I couldn't keep food down. I ended up with gastritis and bile reflux after.

Additionally, I'm a writer. The cognitive effects have had a massive impact on my career. My imagination is totally gone. I've been to a lot of doctors and specialists about the cognitive fallout. I also had an brain MRI. Nothing abnormal. And yet, there is a clear difference in before and after for me.

I've also suspected it has to do with sleep. I'm not sure what exactly is happening and none of my doctors know either. Like you, the constant gaslighting from doctors after left me with no answers. Most of the time I don't bother even telling them these issues any longer because they all say it isn't related to the surgery. Yet, I had none of these things before and all of them directly after and nothing else in my life changed.

I've had a lot of CT's (with and without contrast) since, so I suppose that could be an issue. I'd never had one before. So THAT is also something that changed. Plus the exposure to anesthesia. Though, I'd had some light anesthesia about 15 years ago when I had my wisdom teeth removed. I didn't have issues following that procedure. So perhaps the radiation or the contrast? I'm not sure.

Exactly like you, I can't tolerate caffeine AT ALL now. Prior to the surgery I was a caffeine fiend. I love hot tea, and always drank it clear up until bedtime...fully caffeinated black tea. Yet, never had issues with sleeping or the caffeine. Now, I can't drink even a cup in the morning. I'm jittery, my heart rate goes up, and I can't sleep at all that night. So, that's another similarity.


Prior to the surgery: Never had a CT, MRI or anything but an Xray in my life. Like I said...I was healthy.

After my surgery: I've had a bunch of CT's now (with and without contrast)...probably 10-15 total. Doctors trying to figure out the issue. I had a brain MRI without contrast, but that was only this past year and I had ALL those symptoms prior, so it definitely isn't that. I've had anesthesia now 3 times: once for the gallbladder removal and I've had two endoscopes since. I've had some ultrasounds was well.

How I manage now:

I was taking a Bcomplex for awhile and that was helping some of my cognitive symptoms. I did test low in B12, B1, and vitamin D as I said before. Plus, phosphate, which is really rare to have a deficiency in. The Bcomplex seemed to help with the tremors I have and help my brain function a bit better. However, about a year in, my hands started going numb. It took about 3 months to find out that I cannot take B6 because it causes the numbness. Now I take B1 several times a week and B12 every other day. I take vitamin D every day. And, I take prescription phosphate about 3 times/week.

All of those things help, but they are not a cure. They haven't solved my issues, but they have improved my symptoms slightly.

I also have to take a bile binder (cholestyramine) because of the bile refluxing into my stomach. It causes gastritis if I do not take the bile binder. So I take half a packet at night and half a packet in the morning. I know it isn't the bile binder causing my issues because I did stop it for a little over a year. Nothing changed excepted I struggled more with gastritis.

My cognitive symptoms started immediately after surgery. I tried to write the following week and I couldn't. Again, I thought I was just recovering.

Again, personally, I think it is changes in digestion, nutritional absorption and a combination of things they don't understand yet. Just like the gut microbiome. They know that can even affect our serotonin levels and they know an imbalance in gut bacteria can cause depression (which I don't have), so I suspect that the microbiome is the key to our issues. Constant exposure to bile permanently alters the gut microbiome. It also alters our metabolism.
I think I am going to ask my doctor about an Indican test. I doubt they will do it because they won't run anything that isn't a super common test. I know that my bun levels have been low, which has to do with protein. I eat plenty of protein and I mix my own protein shake most days. So I'm not sure why my body doesn't seem to be absorbing it correctly anymore. I'm assuming THAT is the key to our issues.

See, elevated indican levels can be associated with low stomach acid and also poor production of bile. Well, I literally have to take a bile binder, but even when I wasn't...I don't think my body is producing the bile it needs. From what I've read, the gallbladder concentrates the bile, making it stronger. Without it, the bile isn't as efficient at breaking down nutrients.

Anyway, I've written a book here. Sorry. It's just you are the first person that I've found that shares my symptoms almost exactly.


I regret every day I had gallbladder removal. I had constant pain in my upper stomach area. Doctor said my gallbladder had sludge and needed to be removed. Fell for that. It never got better and digestion is a million times worse. Still have pain only more. If I would have gotten another opinion, I probably be fine. What the issue is, is I have a hiatal hernia. Now with the gallbladder gone, acid is backing up so much worse. New Gastro Doctor said the problem will get better, but will resurface and need more meds. Lifestyle as far as eating has to change. Sleeping on a bunch of pillows for elevation created neck issues. I bend over to do anything the acid is up in my throat. I bought a $5,000 bed to sleep elevated. So, GET SECOND opinions. FYI, Medicare allows it. A few hours of investigating other opinions may save you a lifetime of misery. Now I have a lifetime of extra issues now. My later years of my life are tossing and turning, getting up all night drinking water and expensive pills.

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