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Conflicted/Confused, any Guidance/Advice out there?

Prostate Cancer | Last Active: Mar 31 2:33pm | Replies (72)

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Bruce, don't consider BS at all. Sounds like you keep up to date on PSA information and treatments. I think I see above you put a ? for UFPTI.

In Jacksonville Florida UFPTI is University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute. It is a huge modern treatment facility using proton radiaton. Has 5 different gantries and all have been udated to latest technology. They have been doing proton radiation treatments since 2006 and paitents from every state and I think over 50 countries have come there. I went there because Mayo Jacksonville (I live close to) does not have proton radiation just photon but are building a new cancer center that will have proton.

That EPIC system is great for doctors to be able to see records and tests.
Take care and good luck!

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Replies to "@ecurb Bruce, don't consider BS at all. Sounds like you keep up to date on PSA..."

Thanks for the update on that acronym. I don’t even know what type RT I received last year. I eat mushrooms 4-5x/ week to help keep my PSA down. Lol. Let ya go for now. We can talk later as this disease keeps people chatting, comparing notes daily. Bruce