← Return to High heart rate after TKR


High heart rate after TKR

Bones, Joints & Muscles | Last Active: Apr 20 7:14am | Replies (19)

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Are you showing any signs of infection - redness and persistent swelling at or around the knee, elevated fever, flu-like symptoms? Infection from a TKR is rare - 1% of cases - and I think you'd know if you had an infection at the surgical site. 59 to 62 is a very good resting HR and you're experiencing about a 25% increase.

I didn't monitor my HR after my TKRs so I'm afraid I'm not much help. Ladybug makes an excellent point that anxiety and pain can raise heart rate. The stress of PT and daily rehab could also be raising your HR.

It's been 4 weeks though so your pain levels should be a lot lower than the first two weeks. In any case, check with the doc.

All the best.

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Replies to "Are you showing any signs of infection - redness and persistent swelling at or around the..."

No infection. Last night my heart rate bounced around from 62 to 95. My pain isn’t bad, it’s more a strong discomfort that includes some nerve pain (zingers). It’s still early at 4 1/2 weeks. Maybe lack of sleep and discomfort are causing my heart rate to increase. I’m contacting the surgeon’s office today to see what they recommend. I really appreciate the responses! Thank you 🙂