Has anyone been diagnosed with anemia as a result of chronic diarrhea?

Posted by patjmcl @patjmcl, Aug 22, 2023

MC causes excessive diarrhea. Essential nutrients, vitamins/minerals,
proteins are not absorbed properly. Has anyone been diagnosed with anemia or malnutrition? Thanks

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Bingo! Yes! I have been anemic and have had chronic diarrhea for many, many years and have never connected the two until seeing your post!! Thank you for a wake-up call with multiple revelations! Doctors just keep adding things to the long list of issues and write additional prescriptions or advise taking supplements - no one has ever suggested that the diarrhea could be the cause of iron deficiency, anemia, and possibly many more deficiencies. You deserve a halo! Thank you so much!


I had also read a while back that a possible reason chronic diarrhea can cause deficiencies is because many nutrients are leaving the body without the chance for proper digestion to allow absorption, as patjmcl mentions.


I was diagnosed with anemia due to malabsorption. My pancreas is not producing enough of the enzymes that help to digest food. If your food is not digested, it goes right through you and you do not absorb the nutrients. It's called exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. I now take prescription enzymes when I eat.


I do too. I have Creon with each meal and snacks. Not that I am a huge eater. I have suffered from anaemia on and off for about 20yrs with regular transfusion or feratin. When I have had diarrhoea..linked to meds or poor digestion etc..my blood count significantly drops.


I have been anemic most of my life. Several years ago a doctor started me on iron and vitamin C (helps the body digest the iron);twice a day. Was doing great until I started have intestinal issues. Found out in Nov. that I have EPI. The ZENPEP was working fine for the first 3-4 months. Now it’s not, and I stay wrapped up in a fleece robe and blanket because I am chilled all the time. I’ve lost a huge amount of weight and I don’t eat very much at all. I know it’s because my body can’t hold on to the vital nutrients it needs. Haven’t had an iron deficiency test done, but I know I am lacking other nutrients like magnesium, and I am prone to anemia. Have your primary doc run a test for nutrients you lack. If he/she suggests iron, make sure it is one you can tolerate easily, and ask about taking vitamin C with it, so your body can absorb the iron better. If you are prescribed Magnesium or other vitamins and supplements, make sure you get ones your stomach can tolerate.


I was diagnosed with EPI a year ago and take CREON with meals and snacks. I also have to take Vitamins A,E,K and K2, Calcium/Magnesium, B complex, folic acid. So far, so good. I lost 40 lbs, but somehow manage to maintain 130 lbs, thanks to peanut butter, chia seeds and avocado. On top of all this I am also pre-diabetic and have to be careful with carbs. Low carb diets make gaining/maintaining weight tricky, but I say a prayer of thanks each day my diagnosis wasn't worse than EPI. I rarely get hungry, but every two to three hours. I have completely come off sugar, which was a huge problem for me and the only sweet I get now is yogurt sweetened with stevia. Stevia is the only artificial sweetener that does not cause my glucose to spike. I also had to figure out which carbs had the least effect on my glucose. Who knew a half cup of rice or legumes doesn't have the same effect on everyone? I played with this and now know which carbs I can eat and how much I can tolerate. For me it is no more than 15 at a time. Had a nutrient blood test last week to see if I may be anemic and am waiting to get results. I'm grateful to Mayo for hosting this website, as I have learned a great deal reading how others manage illness. Thanks to all who post.


I can’t do any sweeteners other than sugar or honey. Everything else makes me ill. I try not to overdo it because I am diabetic. I track my glucose levels and my doc understands. Because of the EPI I have lost about 60 lbs and I my A12 is down to 6.2., so my doc is not worried. I do Metformin and Rybelsus, so I am under control. I recently found out I have a second benign bran tumor, so I am more concerned about that than the EPI.
Just remember, grains and legumes turn to sugar in your body, so that’s where you have to be careful.


Chronic diarrhea with anemia is very common in celiac disease (gluten intolerance) and other malabsorption disorders. These require a Dr who can order blood and stool tests and a gastroenterologist is your best bet. Scopes with biopsies are sometimes needed but not always. The anemia should be identified as to what type, usually iron deficiency from iron not being absorbed but B12 and folic acid may be low and can be tested in serum. I hope you will see a good GI dr who will get the the bottom of the cause so you can get appropriate diagnosis, treatment, and get healthy.

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