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l have had symptoms in my legs and feet for about 4years, cramping and pain etc. referral to a neurologist "can,t help you, what do you want for pain" l am a retired RN and dont beleive medications are the best help. movement therapy , some herbal remedies are often more effective and beneficial. I am often exhausted with trying to live a normal single life with this affliction...so am looking for support in dealing with this elusive disability. No, the neuroligist offered no cause.....He appeared uninterested! any how I will troll thru all the suggestions on this site thanks Susan

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Replies to "l have had symptoms in my legs and feet for about 4years, cramping and pain etc...."

Welcome @susanmarian, You are on the right track learning as much as you can about the condition and what can help provide some relief. One of the better sites for learning that I have found is the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy. Lots of great information including:
-- Living Well with PN: https://www.foundationforpn.org/living-well/
-- Complementary and Alternative Treatments: https://www.foundationforpn.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Complementary-and-Alternative-Treatments-Revised-2020-final.-1.pdf
-- Past Webinars: https://www.foundationforpn.org/past-webinars/

Another thing you might find helpful to connect with others with similar symptoms is to open the search link at the top of any Connect page and do a search. Have you tried the search function on Connect?

My new neurologist--who takes PN very seriously and who, early in her career, even wrote published papers on the subject--often prescribes gabapentin, pregabelin, duloxetine, or amitriptyline (low doses, sometimes a combination of two). As for supplements and canabinoids, she doesn't think anything taken by mouth helps very much. Because topical lidocaine hasn't much helped me, she suggests that I rely instead on high-concentration CBD topicals. She said I can continue taking the often-recommended alpha-lipoic acid if I want, but that she has never had a patient who benefitted much from it.