Anyone have roux en y (RNY) for GERD (reflux) only? not obesity

Posted by dolphinpoo @dolphinpoo, Mar 25 2:14pm

I had 3 fundoplications that have failed. Surgeon suggest roux en y surgery. I have never been overweight.BMI 22.1. I need to gain weight not lose. Has anybody else had this surgery specifically for gerd? Not obesity

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I had hiatal hernia. Constant reflux. RNY fixed that problem


I had hiatal hernia. Constant reflux. RNY fixed that problem

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Thank u........... All I can find is about RNY for obesity. What and how will i gain weight back?


I had hiatal hernia. Constant reflux. RNY fixed that problem

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I had mine repaired in 2020. It worked great. They had to repair my esophagus. But then I was diagnosed with lung cancer last April,
Unfortunately the radiation ruined the repair.



RNY for weight loss often fails .. my daughter-in-law is one of the failures.

I had Nissen Fundoplication in 2001 in my hometown. I had a sliding hernia that kept pulling my stomach into my chest. It almost immediately began to fail. I waited until 2007 for repair .. the doctor that did my initial surgery had retired. I chose the wrong surgeon .. he used the wrong type of mesh in the wrong place. I was in a lot of pain .. I had several visits with the surgeon and he said my problem was I was fat and dismissed me. In late 2012 I could not hold food down and saw a different surgeon on my GI doctor's advice. He said I needed surgery, but he would not do it and in 2013 I was referred to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville “where they repair other surgeon's mistakes”.

Surgery was in Oct of 2013 … insurance delayed it. The surgeon at Mayo thought I would need just a repair of the Nissen. He started and was surprised to see the mess. He could not do a repair because the top of my stomach had to be removed because of the mesh imbedded in it. He repaired the hiatal hernia the traditional way and asked for a test that could be done in my hometown in 6 months. In April 2014 the results were not good. So back to Mayo … my surgeon had left .. so new surgeon. He said he would be a fool to repair same way. I had a RNY often referred to as gastric bypass. In late September because of insurance approval.

I had complications.. 1% chance of my esophagus shortening. It did and pulled not only my stomach into my chest, but a loop of intestines. The hernia was attached to my diaphragm and it was shredded. Then I had a small leakage that they could not find .. made me very sick. I had a week I don’t remember much of. The surgeon repaired what he could. I was too weak for him to repair all. After 3 weeks in hospital I was release with a feeding tube. I would return in six months. Before my return .. at about 5 months… I did not feel well and went to my local Emergency Room. Two more loops of my intestines had pulled into my chest. It was a weird feeling. There was also pain. They got me stabilized and we contacted my surgeon's office. He was out of country.. so my appointment was in two weeks. He would need a thoracic surgeon to assist him and they would have to coordinate. They did and my open surgery was in May of 2015. The feeding tube was removed in October 2015.

Yes, I've had a rough time of it .. I am blessed to be here.

Most people have no complications during or after RNY surgery . Yes you can gain weight after surgery. My weight dropped a lot when I and my husband were caretakers of my mom in 2018-2020. My low weight was 114 lbs. My blood pressure was too low. My doctor told me to eat salty food. Yep salt causes weight gain .. salty food of chips 😂. Now I stay between 135-140 lb which is what I feel best at. Just eat your 3 meals divided into 4-6 mini-meals. Later you will be able to eat less meals as your pouch expands. You will not be able to absorb all vitamins from your foods. You will need supplements. (I take a multivitamin, vitamin d, and vitamin b-12 shots). You will be more susceptible to pancreatitis . They should explain all this before surgery.

Overall to me better than stomach and intestines coming into my chest.



Sorry to hear. Thanks for info


Looking for clarity about RNY for reflux only......not obesity


Looking for clarity about RNY for reflux only......not obesity

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dolphinpoo @dolphinpoo
I see you asked similar question in Digestive Group, hopefully someone in this group can provide additional information.

There is an 2020 article on the subject on Mayo blog:
How does weight loss surgery affect patients with GERD?

Has it been recommended or are you researching options?

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