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Kitten, laser treatments from Coyle Institute in Pensacola, FL work for me for about 2 1/2 to 3 years. Then I have another treatment done. (Tulip Procedure.) He made my vulva and clitoris look normal again without taking away any sensation. It just takes a few days of healing, then I fly back home to AZ.

Dr Coyle was ill, so I recently tried another “reputable” specialist in Phoenix who did a laser procedure, with zero results. LS was back in full force after 3 weeks, and he didn’t take away any scar tissue.
I’ll be going back to Dr Coyle.
I do hope you are able to find some relief. Aquaphor will at least keep the area moist and pain away when urine hits open cuts in the tissue. Use it all the time if you can’t use steroid ointment.
Yours in sisterhood,

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Replies to "Kitten, laser treatments from Coyle Institute in Pensacola, FL work for me for about 2 1/2..."

You saw Dr Coyle, who I recently saw an ad! I’m new to L.Sclerosis & wonder if I should go there soon or wait out the Clobesterol Oint treatment (twice a day x 2 weeks, then daily x 2 weeks)? The twice daily seems high to me & don’t want to thin the skin in the figure of 8 application (which includes the perineum & anal areas). In 4 weeks, a possible biopsy, if no improvement.
I’d rather have a reliable treatment sooner. I will ask at my 4 week follow-up. So far, a week of twice daily Clobetasol, it did help the itch, but the white skin & rough areas are still present. Most sites I’ve read start with Clobetasol just daily & taper after some improvement. I sure don’t want cancer in that area!