← Return to Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

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Can anybody relate? Wow - I sure can! And while I am sorry for others who may be afflicted with this 'drip' or whatever it is - I am happily surprised to find myself in good company. I had convinced myself that I had throat cancer or the like, as I am 64 and never had anything like this incredibly annoying phlegm assault.

I did a radio show for over 20 years, and related to that daily hour I was always hyper-aware of my vocal projection, modulation etc. The way I am now if I talk for 5 minutes or more my voice gets hoarse and if I don't clear it ( and I have to do so very forcefully ie loudly) I can barely speak. It seems like such a minor thing to someone reading about this, I'm sure, but the extent to which it bothers me on an hourly basis literally affects my quality of life.

Not to be too gross about it here but if anyone else experiences this thing or anything like it I would sure appreciate hearing about it. One thing I have found really weird is how I cough the stuff up. It always comes up in the exact same form - an inch or inch and a half stringy thing as though it was cut from a ball of string. Never is it 'loose' or shapeless - which until now is always how I experienced 'spittle' in my life.
Thanks all for sharing, and please touch back with any noteworthy news.

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Replies to "Can anybody relate? Wow - I sure can! And while I am sorry for others who..."

Indeed, I can relate to the throat cancer thoughts but then, if it were so I would be getting worse, not just being in a chronic stable state of phlegm, phlegm, phlegm, cough, cough, phlegm.....well, you get the picture! When something finally "breaks" I anticipate this giant "loogie" exiting my mouth but alas, a wee little gluey, whitish pale yellow spot half the size of my pinky fingernail is all that flies! And around I go again. Some days I get a break and think I am on the upside only to have 3 consecutive days of phlegm, cough, tickle, and so on. I am sure I am annoying people so I don't go out, I stay home and annoy my husband who luckily, had his last bout if this Monday! Yes, the hoarseness is from the constant clearing, which it turn produces coughing and inflammation of the throat. Doctors, good ones that is, have no answers. There is only hope, I am getting depressed so I have to put on my positive attitude and try to move on but it is not easy for me. I wish you all the luck the world has to offer and please stay in touch!

I suffer from that exact problem! Plus covid toes Plus hair loss and a few other symptoms. But the Throat problem I think is the worse!!! Now I have Dry Eye. both eye water constantly. I can't find any help with Medical Professionals. Here in my small town...they think I am crazy! Thank goodness for this web site!

Actually when I can get any phlegm out it’s like pellets sized like half-a-pea to twice-a-pea. Specialists so far have passed me to the next. Pulmonary, ENT, GI. Next is allergy/immunology. Maybe? Hopefully? If so I’ll share. My research does lead me to histamine intolerance or MCAS, both of which are relatively recent recognitions and kinda like fibromyalgia meaning not fully recognized by mainstream medicine. As if we’re all quacks!