Anyone have a positive Cologuard test?

Posted by dazlin @dazlin, Nov 21, 2019

My test results came back positive. I asked what did it show, because they test for 11 different cancers or categories. They said, it just states either negative or positive for cancer. I had problems a few years back and did a colonoscopy, which came back ok. Now this!! I'm reading theres a 13 percent chance of false positive. Right now I'm extremely distraught about having to go through all Consults, tests, and dreaded preps. Orders are in for Consult with gastro, but they're booked out through January or February in Mayo. I have not received any notice for appointment yet. Dont know what to think or do.

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No. But that’s when you schedule a colonoscopy. It may be nothing, but Cologuard has determined that more info is needed. I know the prep is difficult, but I wouldn’t hesitate.


Some people just generate false positives, and when checked with colonoscopy, they’re negative. Go figure.
But, th way I view it is that you cannot afford not to have a colonoscopy to negate the Cologuard results. The appointments and prep are a pain for sure, but this is what I tell myself: There’s only upside to getting the test, because if it’s negative you have piece of mind; and if it’s positive you’re catching it early for the best chance of a healthy recovery. Good luck!


Some people just generate false positives, and when checked with colonoscopy, they’re negative. Go figure.
But, th way I view it is that you cannot afford not to have a colonoscopy to negate the Cologuard results. The appointments and prep are a pain for sure, but this is what I tell myself: There’s only upside to getting the test, because if it’s negative you have piece of mind; and if it’s positive you’re catching it early for the best chance of a healthy recovery. Good luck!

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i completely agree, and i believe that a false positive on the cologuard does a big service to users, but a false negative can be very harmful.
in my case i would not have done the colonoscopy without the false positive. it was a very powerful reinforement agent.


I just received a positive result from a Cologuard test. I had no symptoms, but my doctor advised I do a screening since my last colonoscopy was 15 years ago, at age 50. Just learned that my insurance will only cover one preventative screening test per year, so now I have to pay a $1000 deductable and 20% co-pay for the "diagnostic" colonoscopy. I really wish my doctor had informed me of this before saying Cologuard was fine for me to do. I take a lot of ibuprofen for arthritis, so I suspect that is the reason for any blood found, but guess I'll find out soon enough. Sometimes I think all the majority of the screening tests we have to do just result in more unnecessary tests and more money for doctors. I know they help some detect cancer early but for most, they do not.


yes. my hospital called me yesterday and told me the total cost is $6800 and my end with medicare is $2300.
i called medicare on that , and they did not have the file yet.

i did the cologuard. positive. did the colonoscopy. they removed two polyps. i am responsible for paying a per centage of that removal.
when they told me they took the polyps out, i asked if they could put them back in. just kidding.
i am trying to be philosophical about the expense.
but i hate to have to pay 2300 when it could have been zero. like you


I just received a positive result from a Cologuard test. I had no symptoms, but my doctor advised I do a screening since my last colonoscopy was 15 years ago, at age 50. Just learned that my insurance will only cover one preventative screening test per year, so now I have to pay a $1000 deductable and 20% co-pay for the "diagnostic" colonoscopy. I really wish my doctor had informed me of this before saying Cologuard was fine for me to do. I take a lot of ibuprofen for arthritis, so I suspect that is the reason for any blood found, but guess I'll find out soon enough. Sometimes I think all the majority of the screening tests we have to do just result in more unnecessary tests and more money for doctors. I know they help some detect cancer early but for most, they do not.

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As I understand, a positive Cologuard results in only 5% of the cases actually being cancer as determined by the colonoscopy. The FIT test looked only for blood in stool, the Cologuard detects blood AND tumor DNA. So it is much better


Yes. I have a family history of colon cancer, and I should get a colonoscopy, but I have a terrible fear of anesthesia - so, I do FIT and COLOGUARD tests yearly.

This was the first time one came back positive (cologuard) and I had to schedule a follow up colonoscopy. It was a tense month waiting for an appointment for the test, to say the least. My colonoscopy was called normal. One small hemorrhoid and no polyps.

I will not criticize the Cologuard or FIT tests, as I probably would not have ever just gone in for a routine colonoscopy. The false positive was a blessing.


Yes. I have a family history of colon cancer, and I should get a colonoscopy, but I have a terrible fear of anesthesia - so, I do FIT and COLOGUARD tests yearly.

This was the first time one came back positive (cologuard) and I had to schedule a follow up colonoscopy. It was a tense month waiting for an appointment for the test, to say the least. My colonoscopy was called normal. One small hemorrhoid and no polyps.

I will not criticize the Cologuard or FIT tests, as I probably would not have ever just gone in for a routine colonoscopy. The false positive was a blessing.

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Great news! I too was very concerned about the colonoscopy and that delay gave me Stage 3 cancer. It's likely that the FIT missed it but the Cologuard picked it up.


i turned 50 in may and i just did my 1st cologuard test and it came back positive i have a consolt with doctor on mon and im scared


im 50 years old i did my 1st cologuard test and it came back abnormal i have a consoltation april 1 and im scared any good advice

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