T3, N1,Mx - does this mean stage 3?

Posted by annenglander @annenglander, Mar 19, 2024

T3, N1,Mx - does this mean stage 3?

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It may be useful to read https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/colon-rectal-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/staged.html

But discuss with your doctor as different institutions interpret differently, and for example depends on the number of lymph nodes examined (more is better). Also the "M" number is missing.

In general this would mean Stage 3 but again this is just a number and the treatment regimen and whether you have a negative ctDNA test post surgery mean more related to the relative risk and 5 year survival


Usually means it is effecting your lymph nodes and stage 4 means it can, through lymph node system, metastasized to other body part. For example anal cancer can be found in the lungs. It is not lung cancer even if that is the first place it is found.
Not a doctor, but this was my understanding from my oncologist.


I hope you can see your oncologist as soon as possible to get all the answers you need. Most likely it is stage 3.
N1: 1 to 3 regional lymph nodes involvement.
Mx: The status of distant metastasis is unknown or cannot be assessed.

I believe there will be some updates on Mx.

My father's diagnosis is T3d N2 MRF+ , stage 3 rectal cancer.


It may be useful to read https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/colon-rectal-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/staged.html

But discuss with your doctor as different institutions interpret differently, and for example depends on the number of lymph nodes examined (more is better). Also the "M" number is missing.

In general this would mean Stage 3 but again this is just a number and the treatment regimen and whether you have a negative ctDNA test post surgery mean more related to the relative risk and 5 year survival

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I hope you can see your oncologist as soon as possible to get all the answers you need. Most likely it is stage 3.
N1: 1 to 3 regional lymph nodes involvement.
Mx: The status of distant metastasis is unknown or cannot be assessed.

I believe there will be some updates on Mx.

My father's diagnosis is T3d N2 MRF+ , stage 3 rectal cancer.

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Thank you!


I hope you can see your oncologist as soon as possible to get all the answers you need. Most likely it is stage 3.
N1: 1 to 3 regional lymph nodes involvement.
Mx: The status of distant metastasis is unknown or cannot be assessed.

I believe there will be some updates on Mx.

My father's diagnosis is T3d N2 MRF+ , stage 3 rectal cancer.

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I appreciate your help!


Probably stage 3... but in general NO. The TX designation of staging has to do with the Tumor itself, and depth of penetration thru the wall of the colon (in your case... I'm an esophageal cancer patient, so for me it has to do with how deep it has grown thru my esophageal layers). Usually the Nx designation has to do with number of nearby lymph nodes invaded... N1 is 1 to 2 lymph nodes, and N2 is 3 to 6 lymph nodes. M1 designation has to do with distant metastasis already seen. This could be to the bones, or even distant lymph nodes, and certainly to other organs. But letters are used following these TxNxMx designation to indicate these things.


Hi 🙂 So mine looks like this after pathology came back after my surgery. pT4aN2b That is stage 3c I had 8 out of 43 lymph nodes affected and it went thru all layers of the colon into the fatty outside layer. I have a pMMR which means its an aggressive strand. May I ask what side of your colon its on? I did a lot of research and can definitely tell you that the way we interpret it and the way Dr.s do is different. Make sure you only look at reliable sources from medical sites if you are like me and need to know everything in order to process things in your mind. But please keep a positive attitude in this scary time. This is agreat source of support here. I had my last chemo treatment a three weeks ago and still bouncing back. But this sure helped get me thru. God bless you and your walk.


Hi @annenglander, how are you doing? When will you be meeting with your oncologist to discuss the results of the staging and the treatment plan?


Hi @annenglander, how are you doing? When will you be meeting with your oncologist to discuss the results of the staging and the treatment plan?

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We already met last week, but the MRI report came in after. We had already set up the treatment plan I will be getting my port put in tomorrow and starting chemotherapy on Wednesday morning. I'm stage 3, it is very low in my rectum so they are throwing everything at it to hopefully prevent me from needing a colostomy...

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