Does medical marijuana work for chronic pain?

Posted by mmoss @mmoss, Mar 27, 2021

Does Medical marijuana work for chronic pain. Looking for alternatives to Vicodin.

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Whether marijuana impairs your driving or your judgment depends on the amount of THC in it and your reaction to it. I don’t take anything with more than 0.5 mg of THC in it, combined with at least 20 times more CBD, basically a 1:20 ratio, in the form of a gummy. That gives me no psychoactive side effects at all, but relieves my chronic pain in a way that nothing else does. It sounds like you’re smoking a recreational form of marijuana that makes you high. The marijuana around today also is much more potent than anything we smoked in the ‘70’s. I’m using a medical grade marijuana product that tells you exactly how potent it is.

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Where can you get a gummy that has that much CBD in it? How many do you take a day to relieve your pain? Thanks.


The gummy I was referred to, by the pharmacist at my Dispensary, is made by Hedy. It’s their Green Apple flavor. Its potency is 1.0mg THC:54.0 CBD per gel.
Because I can’t tolerate more than 0.5 mg of THC, a dose for me is half a gummy. You may be able to tolerate more THC than that, but this is an example of a microdose. I’m assuming you’ll only find them at a medical marijuana dispensary, not a recreational dispense. The effects last me for six hours.

You’ll have to do your own research to find out if Hedy sells this strength to any dispensaries in your area. Anytime I find them, I buy them in bulk, like 15 or 20 packets at a time, because the package of 12 gummies might only last about a week.


I need a good ratio and strain. Whenever I’ve taken medical marijuana, my pain is increased. I become hyper aware of each and every pain. I feel the tendons pulling my hammertoe. I find new aches. I’ve tried massaging points when I’m in this state but nothing stops the pain. Open to suggestions


You must use Authentic CBD or you just getting Neurological effects!

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How do I know if it’s authentic


How do I know if it’s authentic

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in reply to @fncz I would recommend that you go to a reliable "store" that sells such products. Many of the employees have a good grasp of the products they sell, assuming you go to a reputable place that sells cannabis products. I recently tried a combination of THC and CBD, and it did help with the pain. The CBD helps with pain, whereas the THC helped me sleep.


People kept suggesting it to me because I live in Canada where it seems to have become the main industry lately. I know at least 6 people who take it. I think it’s problematic for a lot of reasons. They think it helps but looking at them from the outside paints a different picture.

Their ability to work or function decreases. One of my friends just started ignoring her kids and laying in bed for hours a day. Another one became aggressive which wasn’t normal for him. One became so obsessed with growing plants that she just stopped going to work and turned her place into a greenhouse.

Their memory and ability to plan ahead really suck. They either gain or lose massive amounts of weight becausec they either forget to eat or forget not to. They forget appointments, forget to pick their kids up at school, and can’t remember where they left things. They lose massive chunks of time.

They aggravate people and animals around them, or make them sick. Unless you use the pills or gummies, you’ll get a reputation as the pot head neighbour. Even if you don’t care what people thing and are clueless, bad things can happen to people around you. My friends kids were constantly getting eye and ear infections from the smoke. Dogs have a short life span, one of my friends dog was riddled with skin cancer all over his body from smoke exposure. Their kids were extremely delayed since they spent the first few hours of school stoned. Their kids reeked and other kids weren’t allowed to play with them.

They were refused service at stores and in taxis because of the smell. But probably the worst symptom was pain itself.

I have chronic autoimmune inflammation and several injuries. I use yoga, swimming, floating, meditation, and when all else fails I just cry quietly with my eyes closed. Over time, my pain has gotten less or I have gotten better at handling it. Their pain has gotten much much worse. The problem causing the pain was still there, they were just too stoned to realize it. When they come down from that high, the pain feels many times worse. So they have to do it again.

But unlike many other, better, tested pain meds, marijuana does nothing to decrease your pain. It decreases your awareness. Which is useless, if you want pain relief so you can get things done.

I used to think it was the be-all-end-all, but don’t believe the hype. Using marijuana was like sleeping on my feet. What’s the point of pain relief if you don’t even get to enjoy it?


I don’t make my own. I buy products with the right THC:CBD ratio for me.

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@merlek2a ”the right THC:CBD ratio?” What are you considering to be the right ratio?


I’ve been experimenting with cannabis for pain relief for a few years. I finally found that tinctures of 100mg CBD 4x day with 25mg THC 4x day takes my breakthrough pain away. I have primary spinal OA and use buprenorphine patch 20mcg every 7 days as my main pain control. Cannabis alone would not control my chronic pain.


I have tried smoking Marijuana, tincture, gummies and lotion. I got short-term relief. From smoking, I just got high so too happy to care about pain, again short-term relief.


I have tried smoking Marijuana, tincture, gummies and lotion. I got short-term relief. From smoking, I just got high so too happy to care about pain, again short-term relief.

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After back surgery it help a lot to smoke pot. I have a difficult time going to sleep after taking pain meds and then there is the constipation that follow. Now some surgeries it would not be a good idea like bypass, sinus. For chronic muscle spasms it also great. People saying otherwise don't know what they are talking about.

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