Good morning, Mary. I read your lovely reply yesterday. That means so much to me to know that I am making a difference. It is my goal to offer calming reassurance and hope to anyone facing AML (or any leukemia) and possible bone marrow transplant, that there is life on the other side of all the medical drama.
Aw, wasn’t that just the coolest story about Sky? I was so honored to have been part of her journey. It shows the value of this forum, where we members can come together to help guide others through uncharted territory.
No doubt, both you and your husband will have a ton of questions popping along the way. There will be new terms and vocabulary tossed at you, medications, procedures, tests, etc.. Initially, it will feel like everything is coming at you all at one time and a bit overwhelming. Trite but true…take one day at a time and things won’t feel quite so daunting.
As your husband’s caregiver for the SCT, you’ll be involved with all of his appointments. I’m guessing you already have one but just in case, tuck a little journal in your bag for note taking. Don’t hesitate to ask for clarification from his team members. BMT/SCT teams are amazingly compassionate, caring people! So they will be your husband’s new family. There may be some rough days but wow, when your husband comes out on the other side of this, he’ll feel rather invincible. We chimeras (people with 2 sets of DNA) have super powers! 😉
In the meantime avoid Dr Google, just trust the process and his doctors. Your husband is being well taken care of as he goes through his AML treatments. His new future awaits. ☺️ Keep me posted on his progress please! When is his next round of chemo?
Good morning Lori!
Again, I am so grateful for your reassuring guidance and suggestions. Makes me feel not so alone in all this.
Your encouragement is gold and just what I need to hear now.
My husband is starting cycle 2 of his induction chemo today! Thankfully this chemo cocktail is well tolerated. He will have another bone marrow biopsy on day 21, April 8. He achieved partial remission with 2% blasts from cycle one. They detected the mutations and chromosome changes in the biopsy so she wants to try to clean that out with this cycle while the transplant team works on finding a donor. We don’t know how long that will take. But we do know the transplant doc thinks my husband is a good candidate for the transplant which is a step in the right direction!
My faith is strong and helps me stay in the present, with hope in my heart for coming out the other side. I love your advice to trust the process and his care team. 😊
I’ll keep you posted!
Thank you for being here Lori ! 🙏