Has anyone found an exercise based program proven to work?

Posted by ans @ans, Jan 21, 2024

To All-Very important information shared by Belinda Beck from- theboneclinic- goggle that- based in Australia- yesterday in the Osteoporosis Summit that has been sited here going on this week. The Liftmor trials, which she was in charge of , has been tracking people for over 10 years put a program into place called Onero, based on that thinking and the results are in and impressive. It works to improve bone mass. It's based on HiRIT -( I believe the acronym is to denote High Intensity Resistance Impact Training). It can be safe and effective led BY PEOPLE that have been trained. She emphasized NOT to do these exercises without SUPERVISION. Sherri Betz's exercise programs are built off this thinking. Beck said to grow bone you need specific, targeted training. They watched people over many years in the Liftmor trials and then went one step further to set up a clinic in the real world to test it out . As she explained, its based on one lifting 85% of what you can lift in one repetition. So that is a lot, but everyone is different. For one it might mean starting with a broom stick , for another it could mean 2o lbs or more. The program is individualized for each person. Each person receives a 2 1/2 hr baseline assessment. A very important thing she commented on that at first they were confused about was why the femoral neck didn't change the BMD score much- but hot off the press this week- they have a 3-D testing device in their clinic and it revealed that the thickness of the cortex increased particularly where the femoral neck fracture usually starts. and further the proximal head of the femur cortex gets thicker along with the trabeculae . so therefore the shape of the bones improve and there's increased internal hip support. She did go over some of the basic criteria to do this Onero program , but I won't bore you with those details , except to say that most people can participate in this treatment. I will direct you to go to a podcast with Margie Bissinger PT where she interviews Dr. Claudia Tamas, she is an Onero trained clinician that heads up a medical clinic in NJ. This information is new and there are very few clinics in the US that offer this . So get out there and talk about it, maybe share this info with your general dr, endo, PT office, etc. so it can begin to be offered in more places!!! That was a lot , but hope that this gives you all some hope!! Beck said they are changing the idea that instead of meds, exercise can be the first line of defense against osteoporosis issues!! Good Luck to all on your own path!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


@vgkime - This morning I actually did some further investigation of the online stuff , but not as much as you. Actually after hearing Beck talk , following 2 talks I recently heard with Claudia Tamas , the first one supposedly trained in Australia to come here to head up a program in NJ, I have made an appt to go there to see it and check it out. I won’t be able to attend as I live 3 hours from there, but I want to see it in action and speak with them directly. Good luck working out with your trainer. Stay safe!! Remember to always set your core!!

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Agree with @vgkime! Would LOVE to hear what you learn & see. Would be great if they would let you do a video but I guess that’s impossible.


Thank you for posting this program. It's about time we move away from the medications and have a far more healthy option to improve bone mass. I hope this catches fire across the US.


Yes would like to know more about appropriate exercises and diet for osteoporosis.
I understand caffeine is problematic. Can someone elaborate? Not easy to wean off, will just go cold turkey if necessary.
Thank you in advance.


There was an article about this in National Geographic, very exciting. I wish we could figure out how to do this ourselves right now.


There was an article about this in National Geographic, very exciting. I wish we could figure out how to do this ourselves right now.

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Do you know what issue of Nat Geo the article was in?


Do you know what issue of Nat Geo the article was in?

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Hi, it was just published.

Lifting heavy weights can help you mitigate osteoporosis. Here’s how to get started.
Contrary to decades of advice, older women should be doing harder exercises to protect their bones; young women can prevent osteoporosis by beginning in their 30s.


I've begun contacting individual physios and exercise clinics to see if they'd be willing to become Onero certified in order to supervise me. I send them links to the original clinical study and info about licensing. I think if we begin asking for this service it might make it better known in health/fitness communities and make them aware that there's a demand for it.


@debkincaid - I didn’t mention it cause I was not aware of it. Thanks for the info, I’ll certainly look into that. I am going to go to the Somerset clinic to have a consult and to observe the program , though that’s a 3 hour drive for me and therefore joining the program there is I’d say out of the question . But I’m very curious !!!! I think because this is so new it hasn’t hit yet. Probably only people that were looking at the Liftmor trials had, or have much of an idea about this, and don’t think there are many of those people out there either. Just my own thoughts/ opinion..

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Did you went to Somerset NJ for a consultation? I appreciate if you can share comments.


Did you went to Somerset NJ for a consultation? I appreciate if you can share comments.

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@debkincaid - I went to the Somerset NJ , to view the program and talk with Claudia Tomas. She is a very smart, dedicated and motivated women with lots of education behind her and she’s still training. Currently to become a Nurse Practitioner as that she says is the last degree she’d need to achieve her dream of opening a facility for osteoporosis. We discussed where I was at, I brought pertinent records with me , DEXA’s , my X-ray and MRI reports of my L -1 fractured , she looked at the supplements I was using and she did an assessment of sorts to see what ROM range of motion I had in certain joints and what my level of strength was. Discussed how to breathe correctly as you exercise and did a bit of that while doing push ups, etc. Gave me a few exercises to do to improve a few things . After that I observed the Onero class in session. It’s based on 4 exercises that I’m not going to share here cause even Belinda Beck didn’t because she didn’t want people to start doing them on their own without supervision. But the theory is you begin where you are at with your level of strength and slowly the resistance used goes up and becomes quite heavy- what you can handle. . The exercises are done for 5 reps , 5 sets . The class size was about 6-7 people and Claudia and another professional was constantly guarding and watching for proper position of the back and breathing so no one was attempting the exercises in an unsafe manner. Claudia also has beefed up the program and has added other resistance type exercises and balance to augment the basic Onero program.
It was worth it to me to make the trip to see it with my own eyes. I’m very glad I went!!! Hope that helps!!!


I've begun contacting individual physios and exercise clinics to see if they'd be willing to become Onero certified in order to supervise me. I send them links to the original clinical study and info about licensing. I think if we begin asking for this service it might make it better known in health/fitness communities and make them aware that there's a demand for it.

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to wynn00001
You are doing a necessary work by spreading this information and hope that it will give results soon in the US. I am thinking how to do it in Europe. How one can motivate clinics and physios?
Here in Spain, they have a long waiting list of other clients and impossible to imagine that they will put efforts in something new.

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