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Did anyone have a missed diagnosis of NSCLC?

Lung Cancer | Last Active: Apr 30 10:30am | Replies (82)

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Hi abob- I wouldn't even begin to try and answer your question on the adrenal gland, as I have no knowledge with that. Have they suggested any other ways to get a better image of the mass? MRI, ultrasound, another CT specific to that one area? Another biopsy attempt? I have not had to have Chemo either, but if they want to do that to see if it kills the mass, you might think about that? For me, when they said my best chance was to cut the cancer out, I jumped on it. Now, mine was small in upper left lobe, no nodes or anything involved. In your husband’s initial tests were his lymph nodes clear? Can I ask what type of Cancer he had? The best advice I can give is; if you trust your Doctor and Oncologists and Surgeons, do what they think is the best course for him. We can all guess about things, and let our minds take us to some pretty dark places at times, so trusting in what your doctors are trying to do will help set you on a straight course. It will help you concentrate on what needs to be done to help facilitate your husband’s recovery. Don't forget about your own mental health as well as physical. You ARE in this with him so you need to take time for yourself as well. God Bless you both andhoping all turns out well!🙏

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Replies to "Hi abob- I wouldn't even begin to try and answer your question on the adrenal gland,..."

Thx for your thoughtful reply.

Dx was Lower left lobe Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma, invasive. Had Lobectomy, clean cut, nodules above and below clear. Surgeon and Pulmonologist said “good”, no chemo or radiation necessary.

PCP said see oncologist, who said do 4 course of chemo to eliminate any wayward cancer specs After 2nd chemo, Oncologist ordered follow-up :
- CT - showed new mass in left adrenal gland.
- Pet CT - adrenal lit up.
- MRI - new mass suggestive of metastasis (but tiny tumor is not viewable on slides - it’s inbtwn slices).
- Biopsy - “not malignant”. Surgeon said since mass is so small, perhaps needle missed cancer cells.

So we don’t know if/not/same/cancer:
- Is this mass cancerous?
- Will remaining 2 “lung” chemos work on this tumor?
- If not, are we wasting time not doing surgery bc this tumor could spread? But shouldn’t remove a non-cancerous adrenal gland.

Plan is based on not knowing exactly what this is, going on assumption it’s metastatic lung cancer tumor:
- Do blood tests to see if adrenal gland is functioning.
- Finish chemo
- Do CT and/or MRI
- if still any mass, get Adrenalectomy.