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I had the surgery 11 March. It was supposed to be robotic and had to open form belly button done to pubic are due to the scarring and they were worried it attached to my urethra. A urologist was called and had to turn me upside down to do imaging which caused facial bruising. They were assured that it did not affect bladder and continued. Surgery was almost 4 hours and they said complicated. I spent the first night in hospital with the catheter in. I was not in much pain and on ketamine drip. I had severe heart burn, and they gave me tums. The next morning, they took it out and I was able to get out of bed to urinate. No issues and they monitored and did 2 ultrasounds and said all was good. After the second time going, I felt very high and asked to be taken off of the Ketamine. They took IV out mid-morning, and I got up on my own and used a walker to get around. After a few minutes I did not need that walker and went to sit in chair. I felt good and not in too much discomfort. They said I was doing amazing. I was on liquid diet. I got up from the chair and asked to go ahead and walk. I walked with my nurse around the ward and had to go back twice because I could not control my BM. It was strange because I had nothing to eat from Sat to Mon surgery. But, they said the body just keeps expelling. Which scared me because I had no control. I rested some and after liquid lunch I walked with my husband again. I was on an alarm, but they took off while he was there. The doctors were amazed with me getting up and moving and very happy. The nurses were awesome. I rested more and mainly stay in sitting up position with the wraps moving around my legs which were awesome to feel. I felt more alert without the pain meds. But was on around the clock Gabapentin, Methocarbamol, Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen. (which I will take until next Wednesday) No issues with meds. I was able to call the nurses and get up on my own to go to the bathroom the rest of the night. The next morning the doctors came in and said they were excited that I was doing so well. I was able to get off the alarm and get up on my own to walk throughout the day. It felt good to walk. A little dizzy but, not bad. They moved me to solid diet that night. The fast urgency BM's started to slow done which made me feel better. I was able to take a shower on my own with a nurse present and did not need assistance. I slept well and woke up at 5 am for the meds and ended up staying up. They brought me hot water for my chamomile tea I brought, and it felt like I was more normal. When the doctors came in, they all said that I was doing so well that I could be discharged in the afternoon if I felt like it.
I felt comfortable to say yes. Which was great I only had to stay 2 nights in the hospital thinking it would be longer. I left the hospital that afternoon and my husband took me to CVS to get meds. I was afraid I would not make it but I did. I felt I had more control.
The first thing I did when I got home was to take a long shower and used the anti-bacterial soap too. It was nice and no issues on my own.
My husband had everything set by the bed and all items I wanted or needed in reach. My bed is an adjustable bed with Zero G future and heated with massagers. I went in Zero G and just used the bottom massager part for my legs.
I slept with my head elevated and was very comfortable. I found this to be my best position for comfort. The only thing I was not happy with is I tried to reach too far and felt that pull. That hurt!
I have now been home for 4 days and feel better than I thought. With the weather being warmer I have sat outside in the sun some and walked around the yard a lot. (not over doing it) I have noticed that the walking helps in moving the BM's. It's been nice to do some chores but, I am not pushing myself. I still sleep on back in elevated position. I tried on my sides, but it was difficult. I have only taken the Tramadol twice and I halved them. I am eating small meals and keeping a log on vitals and BM's. I did have to get some milk a magnesia today and took a child dose. I felt too bloated and full. BM/'s are turning softer without pain. I am drinking a lot of water, herb teas, mineral water with what grape juice, ginger ale taking my probiotics. I did up the probiotic because I got thrush from all the antibiotics before and after surgery. and gargling with salt water. I should have called the Dr. but did not notice until Friday. I will call Monday if needed.
The pain is there but, not bad. I am on a low fiber, soft diet and eat very small portions. It is nice that nothing is upsetting my stomach yet. But, not pushing eating too much! I will go back to the doctor on the 26th.

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Replies to "Update I had the surgery 11 March. It was supposed to be robotic and had to..."

Hey linda82. Fantastic news, glad you are doing well! Sounds like you breezed through the surgery. The worst is over and you’re on the way to a full recovery! God Bless!