← Return to Lichen Sclerosus: Any other women dealing with this disease?

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Forgive me @alju if I've already corresponded with you here about this, but I'm going back to this topic to read earlier posts to see what people have experienced who have lichen sclerosus (LS) like I've had diagnosed for about 40 years. But it's only in the past few years I've had flare-ups, and I have been using Clobetasol propionate 0.05% for a number of years.

But, briefly for now, I am still recovering from the laser ablation (with a plasma jet) surgery I had in early February. I can't take a bath or use the Clobetasol until this is completely healed from the laser ablation, which I understand kills a thin layer of the cells of the vulva. I had the entire vulvar area subjected to the laser ablation. 4 biopsies were taken before the ablation, and 1 of them is concerning, so we are going in in 4 days to biopsy about a 1-inch area to see if it requires further treatment/surgery.

So, I will go back to the Clobetasol after this latest biopsy heals, and hope that what I've gone through in recovering from the laser ablation will be in the rear view mirror....forever! BUT, I understand I will need to come in to the doctor for an exam at least every 6 months for at least the next 5 years to stay on top of this. I was diagnosed with VIN II/III - a precancerous condition developing from the LS. VIN = Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia.

Here's hoping the biopsy is not cancerous. I will have an exam & planning meeting with my gynecologic oncologist once the biopsy results come back - in about 2 weeks.

This is new territory. Best wishes to all here - it is absolutely astonishing how many women suffer from this, and that there is so little understanding of its cause, possible autoimmune and genetic connections, and no cure -- yet!

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Replies to "Forgive me @alju if I've already corresponded with you here about this, but I'm going back..."

Thank you for replying. You are going through a horrible ordeal ; it sounds so painful and I know you're suffering. I am so sorry. Yes, more attention and research are needed on this dreadful condition so women don't have to endure such drastic and painful procedures. My best wishes to you that next biopsy will be negative.